🎓 搜罗一切酷酷的东西
📚 collect
- university | 大学课程
📚 editer
- codesandbox-client | An online IDE for rapid web development https://codesandbox.io
- codepen.io | https://codepen.io/popular/pens
- jsbin | https://jsbin.com
- jsrun | https://jsrun.net
📕 project
- easy-mock | easy-mock
- rap2-delos | rap2-delos
📕 Team
JDR Design FE | 京东零售用户体验设计部-前端开发部
antvis | 蚂蚁金服 - 数据可视化
facebook | Facebook
Alibaba | Alibaba Open Source
Google | opensource google
ElemeFE | 饿了么前端
ecomfe | Baidu EFE team
Baidu | Baidu Open Source Projects
AlloyTeam | 腾讯 AlloyTeam
jdf | 京东前端
75team | 奇舞团
pug | pugjs
Koa.js | Next generation web framework for Node.js
youzan | 有赞
QingCloud Appcenter | 青云
shadowsocks | shadowsocks
eleme | eleme
jobbole | 伯乐在线
THX | 阿里妈妈 前端团队出品
Lavas | 基于 Vue 的 PWA 解决方案,帮助开发者快速搭建 PWA 应用,解决接入 PWA 的各种问题
Webot | Webot
wangdoc | by ruanyf
Electron | Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
egg | A web framework's framework for Node.js
Ant Design Team | Ant Design Team
hiloteam | hiloteam
TencentCloudBase | TencentCloudBase
ProtoTeam | 蚂蚁集团 - 大数据部 - 数据体验技术
Oasis Engine | Mobile-First Web Graphics Engine
🚀 -
Hilo | A Cross-end HTML5 Game development solution developed by Alibaba Group
The Khronos Group | Connecting Software to Silicon
📖 Go
- advanced-go-programming-book | 《Go语言高级编程》开源免费图书(开发中...)
- go-fundamental-programming | 《Go 编程基础》
- the-way-to-go_ZH_CN | 《The Way to Go》中文译本,中文正式名《Go 入门指南》
- build-web-application-with-golang | A golang ebook intro how to build a web with golang
- go-best-practice | Trying to complete over 100 projects in various categories in golang.
📖 区块链
- bitcoin-on-nodejs | Node.js区块链开发
- awesome-blockchain-cn | 收集所有区块链(BlockChain)技术开发相关资料,包括Fabric和Ethereum开发资料
- blockchain | 区块链 - 中文资源
📖 webpack
- webpack | A bundler for javascript and friends.
- webpack-dashboard | A CLI dashboard for webpack dev server
- awesome-webpack-cn | 一切webpack的好文章好工具
- webpack-bundle-analyzer | Webpack plugin and CLI utility that represents bundle content as convenient interactive zoomable treemap
📖 wechat weapp
- awesome-wechat-weapp | A curated list of awesome things related to Vue.js
- wxDraw | 微信小程序2d动画绘制库
- zanui-weapp | 高颜值、好用、易扩展的微信小程序 UI 库,Powered by 有赞
- minui | 基于规范的小程序 UI 组件库,基于自定义标签组件,简洁、易用、工具化
- wepy | 小程序组件化开发框架
- wux | wux - 微信小程序自定义组件(对话框、指示器、五星评分...)
📖 machine learning
- awesome-machine-learning | A curated list of awesome Machine Learning frameworks, libraries and software.
📖 go
- awesome-go | A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software
- go-study-index | Go 语言学习资料索引
📖 practice
- show-me-the-code | Python 练习册,每天一个小程序
- nodebestpractices | The largest Node.JS best practices list.
👏 people
- liangklfangl | webpack 源码分析
🔖 library
- lodash | A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, & extras.
- ramda | Practical functional Javascript
- mongoose | MongoDB object modeling designed to work in an asynchronous environment.
🐛 测试
- mocha | simple, flexible, fun javascript test framework for node.js & the browser
💊 Interview
- Front-end-Developer-Interview-Questions | A list of helpful front-end related questions you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore.
❤️ 有点意思
- emoji-cheat-sheet.com | A one pager for emojis on Campfire and GitHub
- NeteaseCloudMusicApi | 网易云音乐nodejs api
- gopng | a HTML5 css sprite generator with cool feature
- lie | A basic but performant promise implementation.
- jupyter-echarts | Bring echarts libraries to jupyter notebooks
- charts | Simple, responsive, modern SVG Charts with zero dependencies
- js-code-to-svg-flowchart | js2flowchart - a visualization library to convert any JavaScript code into beautiful SVG flowchart. Learn other’s code. Design your code. Refactor code. Document code. Explain code.
- native-promise-only | A polyfill for native ES6 Promises as close as possible (no extensions) to the strict spec definitions.
- animating-resume | 一个会动的简历
- Front-End-Checklist | The perfect Front-End Checklist for modern websites and meticulous developers
- socket.io | Realtime application framework (Node.JS server)