
My solutions to the Java track at exercism.io

Primary LanguageJava

Solutions to the Java track at exercism.io

Exercise Description Directory
Hello World The classical introductory exercise. Just say "Hello, World!" hello-world
Two Fer Create a sentence of the form "One for X, one for me." two-fer
Reverse String Reverse a string reverse-string
Armstrong Numbers Determine if a number is an Armstrong number armstrong-numbers
RNA Transcription Given a DNA strand, return its RNA complement (per RNA transcription). rna-transcription
Pangram Determine if a sentence is a pangram. pangram
Hamming Calculate the Hamming difference between two DNA strands. hamming
Gigasecond Calculate the moment when someone has lived for 10^9 seconds. gigasecond
Space Age Given an age in seconds, calculate how old someone is in terms of a given planet's solar years. space-age
Acronym Convert a long phrase to its acronym acronym
Scrabble Score Given a word, compute the scrabble score for that word. scrabble-score
Raindrops Convert a number to a string, the contents of which depend on the number's factors. raindrops
Difference Of Squares Find the difference between the square of the sum and the sum of the squares of the first N natural numbers. difference-of-squares
Secret Handshake Given a decimal number, convert it to the appropriate sequence of events for a secret handshake. secret-handshake
Perfect Numbers Determine if a number is perfect, abundant, or deficient based on Nicomachus' (60 - 120 CE) classification scheme for natural numbers. perfect-numbers
Protein Translation Translate RNA sequences into proteins. protein-translation
Proverb For want of a horseshoe nail, a kingdom was lost, or so the saying goes. Output the full text of this proverbial rhyme. proverb
ISBN Verifier Check if a given string is a valid ISBN-10 number. isbn-verifier
Sum of Multiples Given a number, find the sum of all the multiples of particular numbers up to but not including that number. sum-of-multiples
Luhn Given a number determine whether or not it is valid per the Luhn formula. luhn
Matrix Given a string representing a matrix of numbers, return the rows and columns of that matrix. matrix
Triangle Determine if a triangle is equilateral, isosceles, or scalene. triangle
Largest Series Product Given a string of digits, calculate the largest product for a contiguous substring of digits of length n. largest-series-product
Sieve Use the Sieve of Eratosthenes to find all the primes from 2 up to a given number. sieve
Twelve Days Output the lyrics to 'The Twelve Days of Christmas' twelve-days
Rotational Cipher Create an implementation of the rotational cipher, also sometimes called the Caesar cipher. rotational-cipher
Kindergarten Garden Given a diagram, determine which plants each child in the kindergarten class is responsible for. kindergarten-garden
Collatz Conjecture Calculate the number of steps to reach 1 using the Collatz conjecture collatz-conjecture
Nth Prime Given a number n, determine what the nth prime is. nth-prime
Saddle Points Detect saddle points in a matrix. saddle-points
Diamond Given a letter, print a diamond starting with 'A' with the supplied letter at the widest point. diamond
Isogram Determine if a word or phrase is an isogram. isogram
Flatten Array Take a nested list and return a single list with all values except nil/null flatten-array
Pig Latin Implement a program that translates from English to Pig Latin pig-latin
Phone Number Clean up user-entered phone numbers so that they can be sent SMS messages. phone-number
Nucleotide Count Given a DNA string, compute how many times each nucleotide occurs in the string. nucleotide-count
Word Count Given a phrase, count the occurrences of each word in that phrase. word-count
Run Length Encoding Implement run-length encoding and decoding. run-length-encoding
Robot Name Manage robot factory settings. robot-name
Prime Factors Compute the prime factors of a given natural number. prime-factors
Allergies Given a person's allergy score, determine whether or not they're allergic to a given item, and their full list of allergies. allergies
Bob Bob is a lackadaisical teenager. In conversation, his responses are very limited. bob
Pascals Triangle Compute Pascal's triangle up to a given number of rows. pascals-triangle
Bracket Push Make sure the brackets and braces all match. bracket-push
Series Given a string of digits, output all the contiguous substrings of length n in that string. series
Atbash Cipher Create an implementation of the atbash cipher, an ancient encryption system created in the Middle East. atbash-cipher
Spiral Matrix Given the size, return a square matrix of numbers in spiral order. spiral-matrix
Roman Numerals Write a function to convert from normal numbers to Roman Numerals. roman-numerals
Transpose Take input text and output it transposed. transpose
House Output the nursery rhyme 'This is the House that Jack Built'. house
Food Chain Generate the lyrics of the song 'I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly' food-chain
Beer Song Produce the lyrics to that beloved classic, that field-trip favorite: 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. beer-song
Queen Attack Given the position of two queens on a chess board, indicate whether or not they are positioned so that they can attack each other. queen-attack
Etl We are going to do the 'Transform' step of an Extract-Transform-Load. etl
Grade School Given students' names along with the grade that they are in, create a roster for the school grade-school
Robot Simulator Write a robot simulator. robot-simulator
Binary Search Implement a binary search algorithm. binarysearch
Minesweeper Add the numbers to a minesweeper board minesweeper
Wordy Parse and evaluate simple math word problems returning the answer as an integer. wordy
Parallel Letter Frequency Calculate frequency of letters parallelly parallel-letter-frequency