
midjourney api by discord

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


midjourney api by discord

Support feature

  • Imagine
  • Scale
  • Select

Use for Binary

wait pr

Use for dotnet

  1. Create console app

    mkdir Midjourney.Example.Console && cd Midjourney.Example.Console
    dotnet new console
    dotnet add package MidjourneyAPI --version 1.0.0-beta.2305181719
    dotnet add package Micorsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console
    dotnet add pacakge Micorsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
  2. Edit Program.cs

    var services = new ServiceCollection();
    services.AddLogging(builder =>
    services.AddMidjourney(builder =>
        // Note: Please set your custome info.
        builder.Option.DiscordToken = "<your discord authorization value>";
        builder.Option.ChannelId = "<your discord server id>";
        builder.Option.ServerId = "<your midjourney bot channelId in discord>";
    var provider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
    var midjourney = provider.GetRequiredService<Midjourney>() ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(Midjourney));
    // Imagine
    await midjourney.ImagineAsync("Labrador", loading: (message) =>
        if (message.Progress == "done")
            Console.WriteLine($"{message.Content} -> {message.Url}");
        return Task.CompletedTask;
  3. Run your code for dotnet run

How to get DiscordToken ServerId ChannelId

  1. Get DiscordToken

    How to get DiscordToken

  2. Get ServerId

    Press F12, Open your discord Server profile, Find /profile for Networking and view payload, select guild_id in mutual_guilds

  3. Get ChannelId

    Press F12, Select click your channel in discord, Find /messages for Networking and view payload, select channel_id in data list


  1. git clone https://github.com/binwan-dev/MidjourneyAPI

  2. config SalaiToken ServerId ChannelId at Program.cs in src/example/MidjourneyAPI.Example

    services.AddMidjourney(builder =>
        builder.Option.DiscordToken = "<your discord authorization value>";
        builder.Option.ChannelId = "<your discord server id>";
        builder.Option.ServerId = "<your midjourney bot channelId in discord>";
  3. run example

    cd MidjourneyAPI/src/example/MidjourneyAPI.Example.Console
    dotnet run 




The project is to be used for educational purposes only