
Grails 3 spring-security-oauth2 plugin extension for Microsoft Azure AD

Primary LanguageGroovy


This is a provider extension for the Grails 3 plugin spring-security-oauth2 to support Microsoft Azure AD.

NB: This extension uses a much later version of ScribeJava than spring-security-oauth2. The base plugin uses v2.7.3; this one uses v6.3.0. I am using a newer version because support for Microsoft Azure AD was only added to ScribeJava in early v6. This extension should not break spring-security-oauth2, but upgrading ScribeJava may break other plugins or extensions, including spring-security-oauth2 provider extensions, that rely on earlier versions of ScribeJava. Please see the end of this README for some notes on ScribeJava version issues I encountered.


This plugin is available through the Binx Health Bintray.


Follow the spring-security-oauth2 configuration instructions, then configure the following extension-specific properties:

                        api_key: azure-app-id             # required
                        api_secret: azure-api-secret      # required
                        callback: /my/oauth/callbackUri   # required
                        tenant: azure-tenant-id           # required
                        scopes: scope1 scope2             # optional

The config properties are:

Property Name Property Value Required?
api_key Your Azure appId Yes
api_secret Your Azure API Secret Yes
callback Your oAuth callback URI (configured in Azure) Yes
tenant Your Azure tenantId Yes
scopes Additional scopes you want to specify in your authentication requests. The default scope provided by this extension is User.Read No

Troubleshooting ScribeJava

While writing this plugin, I ran into a ScribeJava version issue in OAuth2AbstractProviderService.buildScribeService(). It seems that the com.github.scribejava.core.builder.ServiceBuilder constructor implementation was changed between v2 and v6 (surprise!)

I fixed the issue by overriding the buildScribeService() method in my custom ProviderService. If you are seeing "Invalid API key" errors from other spring-security-oauth2 provider extensions after installing this plugin, that is likely the cause.