
Use NGINX as a gateway to connect VPCs

Primary LanguageHCL

Use NGINX Gateway To Connect Two VPCs

There are tons of ways to connect VPCs in Google Cloud. This example deploys an NGINX Gateway VM to allow Source VPC Clients to access resources in the Destination VPC. More specific: clients are redirected to the gateway via custom DNS entries in the Source VPC.

Connectivity overview

Read the associated blog post: How To Use NGINX As A Gateway To Services In Another VPC.


Use Terraform to deploy the example setup.

  1. Set the required Terraform variables


  2. Deploy the example infrastructure

    cd terraform
    terraform init
    terraform apply
  3. Try it for yourself

    Log in to the client VM:

    gcloud compute ssh client --tunnel-through-iap --project <project_id>

    Invoke a service in the destination VPC:

    curl http://example-server.xebia/

    Invoke an internet url via the gateway:

    curl https://www.google.com/

    Note that .google.com is added to the Source VPC private DNS zone for demo purposes.

Clean up

Use Terraform to destroy the example setup.

  1. Set the required Terraform variables


  2. Destroy the example infrastructure

    cd terraform
    terraform init
    terraform destroy