
A copier template to bootstrap a Slackbot on Google Cloud Platform

Primary LanguageJinjaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Slackbot copier template

This copier templates deploys a Slackbot into Google Cloud Platform!

The template assumes that already have experience an installation of gcloud and that you have a Google Cloud project to deploy the bot in.

The template creates:

  • a Google Cloud source code repository to contain the slackbot source code.
  • a CloudBuild CI/CD pipeline to build the container image.
  • a CloudBuild CI/CD pipeline to deploy changes to the Terraform templates.
  • a Google Cloud Compute Engine managed instance group to run the slackbot.
  • a Slack application manifest to ease the configuration of the application

The slackbot implementation will be responding to mentions and commands.

The slackbot is running in socket mode, meaning there is no need to configure any incoming internet traffic and makes it easy to respond to Slack API requests within three seconds.

Getting started!

To create and deploy your bot, type:

$ pip install copier
$ copier https://github.com/binxio/slackbot-on-google-cloud-platform-template authority-scraper-slackbot
🎤 the human readable name of your slackbot
   Authority Scraper
🎤 a short description of the Slackbot
   chats about authority contributions
🎤 the name of the package
🎤 Your full name?
   Mark van Holsteijn
🎤 Your email address?
🎤 the google project to deploy to
🎤 primary region to deploy the slackbot to
🎤 the replica region for slackbot artifacts
🎤 the artifact repository location to deploy the image to
🎤 name of the terraform state bucket

Copying from template version 0.0.0.post6.dev0+78d6734
    create  .
    create  terraform
    create  terraform/providers.tf
    create  terraform/user-data.yaml
    create  terraform/versions.tf
    create  terraform/.gitignore
    create  terraform/variables.tf
    create  terraform/pipeline.tf
    create  terraform/slackbot.tf
    create  Dockerfile.jinja
    create  cloudbuild
    create  cloudbuild/deploy.yaml
    create  cloudbuild/build.yaml
    create  Pipfile
    create  .copier-answers.yml
    create  .gitignore
    create  Pipfile.lock
    create  .gcloudignore
    create  src
    create  src/authority_scraper_slackbot
    create  src/authority_scraper_slackbot/__init__.py
    create  src/authority_scraper_slackbot/google_secrets.py
    create  src/authority_scraper_slackbot/__main__.py
    create  src/authority_scraper_slackbot/bot.py

 > Running task 1 of 2: [[ ! -d .git ]] && ( git init --initial-branch master && git add . && git commit -m 'initial import' && git remote add origin https://source.developers.google.com/p/speeltuin-mvanholsteijn/r/authority-scraper-slackbot && git tag 0.0.0) || exit 0
Initialized empty Git repository in /private/tmp/slb/.git/

$ cd /tmp/slb
$ umask 077

This will create the following source code directory:

├── Dockerfile
├── Makefile
├── Makefile.mk
├── Pipfile
├── cloudbuild
│   ├── build.yaml
│   └── deploy.yaml
├── pyproject.toml
├── setup.cfg
├── tox.ini
├── src
│   └── authority_scraper_slackbot
│       ├── __init__.py
│       ├── __main__.py
│       ├── bot.py
│       ├── google_secrets.py
│       └── manifest.yaml
├── tests
│   ├── test_command_help.py
│   └── test_mention_help.py
├── terraform
│   ├── pipeline.tf
│   ├── providers.tf
│   ├── slackbot.tf
│   ├── user-data.yaml
│   ├── variables.tf
│   └── versions.tf
├── secrets

Activate requires Google services

Before you deploy and run the application, you activate the required Google services:

$ make enable-services

install into Slack

To install the bot as an application in Slack, goto https://api.slack.com/apps and create a new application from the manifest generated in the source directory. Follow the wizard and install the app in the workspace.

create the Terraform state bucket

To create the terraform state bucket to store the Terraform state in, type:

$ make state-bucket

deploy the slack bot

To deploy the slack bot to Google Cloud Platform, type:

$ make state-bucket
$ cd terraform
$ terraform init
$ terraform apply

deploy the secrets

To deploy the secrets of the slack bot into the respective Google Secrets, type:

$ make configure-secrets

push to the repository

Now deploy your changes to the git repository. This will trigger a build of the container image and a deployment of the newly created image using Google CloudBuild.

$ git push

Now, check the Google Cloudbuild logs. once the build and deploy complete, your bot is ready to run.

that is it!

You can now chat with your bot and change the implementation!