
Generic Google GKE module for Terraform

Primary LanguageHCLMIT LicenseMIT

Module terraform-google-gke

Core Version Constraints:

  • >= 0.14

Provider Requirements:

  • google (hashicorp/google): (any version)
  • google-beta: (any version)

Input Variables

  • addon_gce_persistent_disk_csi_driver_enabled (default true)
  • addon_horizontal_pod_autoscaling (default false): Enable Horizontal pod addon
  • addon_http_load_balancing (default true): Enable HTTP Loadbalancing addon
  • addon_istio_auth (default "AUTH_NONE"): AUTH_MUTUAL_TLS (strict mode) or AUTH_NONE (permissive)
  • addon_istio_enabled (default false)
  • addon_kubernetes_dashboard (default false): Enable Kubernetes Dashboard addon (deprecated)
  • database_encryption_kms_key (default ""): Supply this key to have the GKE's master etcd encrypted with specified KMS key, empty for decrypted
  • environment (required): Company environment for which the resources are created (e.g. dev, tst, acc, prd, all).
  • issue_client_certificate (default false): Issue client certficate for cluster authentication
  • location (default "europe-west4"): Location to deploy cluster and nodes to, can be a zone or a region
  • maintenance_policy (required): Daily or recurring maintenance policy object as supported by the Terraform GKE resource
  • min_master_version (default null): Minimum master version, e.g. 1.16. Note that this bites with the release_channel setting
  • network (default null): VPC to use for the cluster, may be shared. Note that the '$subnetwork' subnetwork will be used.
  • network_policy (default {"enabled":false,"provider":"PROVIDER_UNSPECIFIED"}): Enable the network policy addon with these settings
  • node_pool_defaults (default null): Node Pool defaults
  • node_pools (required): Node Pool definitions, one per map entry, key will be used in name
  • owner (required): Owner of the resource. This variable is used to set the 'owner' label.
  • private_cluster_config (required)
  • private_cluster_config_defaults (required)
  • project (required): Company project name.
  • purpose (required): The purpose for which the resources are created (e.g. gitlab-runner, backend-nodes)
  • region (default "europe-west4"): The region to start the nodes in.
  • release_channel (default null): Release channel to subscribe to regarding automatic ugprades. This setting will impose version constraints to your cluster, so be careful when changing it!
  • security_group (default null): Google (GSuite) Group to enable RBAC GKE access, format must be gke-security-groups@yourdomain.com
  • subnetwork (default null): Subnetwork name to use for the cluster.
  • workload_identity_config (default []): Workload Identity allows Kubernetes service accounts to act as a user-managed Google IAM Service Account.

Output Values

  • gke_cluster_client_certificate: Base64 encoded client certificate to authenticate with GKE master
  • gke_cluster_client_key: Base64 encoded client key to authenticate with GKE master
  • gke_cluster_cluster_ca_certificate: Base64 encoded cluster CA certificate
  • gke_cluster_endpoint: GKE cluster endpoint, might be private
  • gke_cluster_maintenance_window_duration: Daily maintenance window duration in RFC3339 format
  • gke_cluster_master_version: Master version running on GKE cluster, which can differ from specified minimum version
  • gke_cluster_name: GKE cluster name
  • gke_cluster_services_ipv4_cidr: IPv4 CIDR of services range
  • gke_instance_urls
  • node_pool_defaults: The generic defaults used for node_pool settings

Managed Resources

  • google_container_cluster.gke from google-beta
  • google_container_node_pool.pools from google-beta

Data Resources

  • data.google_compute_network.net from google
  • data.google_compute_subnetwork.subnet from google
  • data.google_container_cluster.exists from google

Creating a new release

After adding your changed and committing the code to GIT, you will need to add a new tag.

git tag vx.x.x
git push --tag

If your changes might be breaking current implementations of this module, make sure to bump the major version up by 1.

If you want to see which tags are already there, you can use the following command:

git tag --list

Required APIs

For the VPC services to deploy, the following APIs should be enabled in your project:

  • iam.googleapis.com
  • container.googleapis.com
  • cloudkms.googleapis.com


This module comes with terratest scripts for both unit testing and integration testing. A Makefile is provided to run the tests using docker, but you can also run the tests directly on your machine if you have terratest installed.

Run with make

Make sure to set GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT to the right project and GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS to the right credentials json file You can now run the tests with docker:

make test

Run locally

From the module directory, run:

cd test && TF_VAR_owner=$(id -nu) go test