A web developer with expertise in Ruby on Rails, NodeJS, PostgreSQL, ReactJS, and JavaScript. Open to new opportunities.
microverseincCopenhagen, Denmark
Pinned Repositories
An awesome-books-ES6 is an app that keeps the collection of our favorite books with their title and author. The main features are adding, deleting, and editing books. Build with JavaScript.
A web app for adding, deleting, managing, and accessing a wide range of books. Built with React and Redux.
Jazz-concert is a website that gives detailed descriptions and information about an upcoming concert and it is my module 1 capstone project at Microverse. Build with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Meal App is a meal web application based on an external API that displays meals based on categories and location. It can also allow the user to like and give comments.
An OOP-school-library app that will allow the librarian to add new students or teachers, add new books and save records of who borrowed a given book and when.
A personal portfolio is a project that shows my experience as a software developer and the projects that I built previously. Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
A mobile app for checking the weather conditions of any city worldwide. Built with React and Redux.
Shopping Cart is an e-commerce application based on an external API that displays shopping products based on different categories. It can also allow the user to select a product by inserting the quantity of their choice.
Space Travelers' Hub is a web app that uses real live data from SpaceX API and gives the user services to book rockets and join selected space missions. Built with React and Redux.
A To-do-list app that helps to have an organized day by allowing the user to list the things that he/she needs to do and mark them as complete when the tasks are done. Built JavaScript ES6 and Webpack.
binyamolango's Repositories
An OOP-school-library app that will allow the librarian to add new students or teachers, add new books and save records of who borrowed a given book and when.
A web app for adding, deleting, managing, and accessing a wide range of books. Built with React and Redux.
Web app that displays TV shows by fetching from an external API.
An app that keeps track of all users' recipes and ingredients. It will allow the user to save ingredients, keep track of what they have, create recipes, and generate a shopping list based on what the user have and missing from a recipe. Built with Ruby on Rails and Postgres.
An app keeping a catalog of my things.
Space Travelers' Hub is a web app that uses real live data from SpaceX API and gives the user services to book rockets and join selected space missions. Built with React and Redux.
Meal App is a meal web application based on an external API that displays meals based on categories and location. It can also allow the user to like and give comments.
Shopping Cart is an e-commerce application based on an external API that displays shopping products based on different categories. It can also allow the user to select a product by inserting the quantity of their choice.
My portfolio
Blog-App is a fully functional blog website that will show the list of posts and empower readers to interact with them by adding comments and liking posts.
Blog-App is a fully functional blog website that will show the list of posts and empower readers to interact with them by adding comments and liking posts.
A mobile web application where users can manage their budget: they have a list of transactions associated with a category, so that they can see how much money they spent and on what.
Final capstone project: an app to reserve a doctor.
A web app for reserving doctors simplifies the process of scheduling medical appointments. It allows users to browse & select available doctors, view their profiles and specialties and book appointments based on their preferred date and time. The application streamlines the reservation process, saving time for both patients & healthcare providers.
A mobile webapp that exchanges currency.
A practice react app.
a rails API for getting a random greeting.
a straightforward web application that merges the capabilities of fetching a random greeting from the backend API through this platform.
A basic rails project that displays "Hello World".
IMS is an inventory management system
IMS is an inventory management system
This webpage shows the projects that I did previously and my experience as a software developer.
An app that keeps track of all users' recipes, ingredients, and inventory. It will allow the user to save ingredients, keep track of what they have, create recipes, and generate a shopping list based on what the user have and missing from a recipe. Built with Ruby on Rails.