A collection of scripts to extract lists from existing XGMML Files.
To see how a script is used, run it without any inputs. It will display what the script requires.
You do not need to be in the same directory as the script or the input file or the output file.
See install file for instructions on how to install the scripts.
Example Usage:
~/EFI_TOOLS/SSN_TOOLS/ssn_to_msa.pl -repnode_network ~/PF05544.SSN-GNN.repnode/repnode.2149_color.xgmml
~/EFI_TOOLS/SSN_TOOLS/ssn_to_msa.pl -full_network ~/PF05544.SSN-GNN.full/full.2148_color.xgmml
- Script Name: ssn_to_msa.pl
- Usage:
-full_network<colored ssn> or -repnode_network<colored ssn> -dir<optional>
- Output: A directory , which by default is called 'ssn_filename-msa'.
- Creates a file for each cluster, each containing a list of uniprot accession ids.
Example Usage:
~/EFI_TOOLS/SSN_TOOLS/filter_colored_ssn.pl -repnode_network ~/PF05544.SSN-GNN.repnode/repnode.2149_color.xgmml
~/EFI_TOOLS/SSN_TOOLS/filter_colored_ssn.pl -full_network ~/PF05544.SSN-GNN.full/full.2148_color.xgmml
- Script Name: filter_colored_ssn.pl
- Usage:
-full_network<colored xgmml> or -repnode_network<colored xgmml> -output<optional>
- Output: A file, which by default is called 'ssn_filename-filtered' which contains the following fields
- Repnode Network Fields: ID, Color, Cluster#, Seed Sequence
- Full Network Fields: ID, Color, Cluster#
Example Usage:
~/EFI_TOOLS/GNN_TOOLS/gnn_filter.pl -gnn ~/PF05544.SSN-GNN.full/full.2148_gnn.xgmml
~/EFI_TOOLS/GNN_TOOLS/gnn_filter.pl -gnn ~/PF05544.SSN-GNN.repnode/repnode.2149_gnn.xgmml
- Script name: gnn_filter.pl
- Usage:
-gnn<gnn file> -dir<optional>
- Output: A directory, which by default is called 'ssn_filename-mapping'. with tab files titled by PFAM.
- Fields: Query, Neighbor, Distance, Cluster# , Color