
initFA with hurdle noise throws exception

willtownes opened this issue · 1 comments

I tried running the interactive tutorial using msigdb annotation. When I changed the noise from gaussian to hurdle, it threw the following exception:

AttributeError: 'CSparseFA' object has no attribute 'Known'
AttributeErrorTraceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-5-a7d489ec39a5> in <module>()
     28 print ("Loaded {:d} cells, {:d} genes".format(data['Y'].shape[0],data['Y'].shape[1]))
     29 print ("Annotation: {:d} terms".format(len(data['terms'])))
---> 30 FA = fscLVM.initFA(data['Y'],data['terms'],data['I'],data['genes'],noise='hurdle',nHidden=3, minGenes=15)
     32 #tic = time.time()
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fscLVM/utils.pyc in initFA(Y, terms, I, gene_ids, nHidden, nHiddenSparse, pruneGenes, FPR, FNR, noise, minGenes, do_preTrain, nFix)
    906     if do_preTrain==True:
--> 907         Ilabel = preTrain(Y, terms, pi, noise=noise, nFix=nFix)
    908         pi = pi[:,Ilabel]
    909         terms = terms[Ilabel]
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fscLVM/utils.pyc in preTrain(Y, terms, P_I, noise, nFix)
    498     pi0=pi.copy()
    499     FA0 = fscLVM.CSparseFA(components=K,sigmaOff=sigmaOff,sigmaOn=SP.ones(pi.shape[1])*1.0,sparsity=sparsity,nIterations=50,permutation_move=False,priors=priors,initType='pcaRand')
--> 500     FA0.init(**init)
    501     if nFix==None:
    502         nFix = FA0.nKnown+FA0.nLatent
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fscLVM/core.pyc in init(self, init_data, Pi, terms, noise, init_factors, unannotated_id)
    646                     self.W.E1[:,k] = SP.sqrt(1./self.components)*SP.randn(self._D)
    647                     self.S.diagSigmaS[:,k] = 1./2
--> 648                 self.S.E1[:,SP.arange(self.nKnown)] =  self.Known
    649             if self.nLatent>0:
    650                 for iL in self.iLatent:
AttributeError: 'CSparseFA' object has no attribute 'Known'

I have now merged the devel branch into master and this is fixed and should work. Let me know in case you still have problems.