
Quick and dirty test of possible pkgdown based bio3d website

Primary LanguageCSS

Demo pkgdown website for bio3d v3.0

Quick and dirty test of possible pkgdown based bio3d website. See: < https://bioboot.github.io/web_demo/ >


Install the pkgdown and tidytemplate packages from CRAN.

Then we also need the following files in the bio3d package route directory (copies of these live in this repo under SETUP_SITE/ dir - just copy these to the package root dir):

  • _pkgdown.yml
  • index.md
  • logo.png
  • FAQ.md
  • NEWS.md

The main one here is the _pkgdown.yml setting file (see example in SETUP_SITE/ dir).

The rest are basically just regular old markdown text files that will be rendered to HTML by pkgdown build_site() function and used to comprise the website.


The logo was made with the hexSticker package in the cwd:


# Logo with text
sticker("tmp_logo1.png", package="bio3d",
			h_fill="white", h_color="#5484F5",
			p_y = 1.50, p_x = 1.01,
			p_size=10, s_x=1.01, s_y=.80, s_width=1,

# Logo without text - i like this one best
sticker("tmp_logo1.png", package="",
			h_fill="white", h_color="#5484F5",
			p_y = 1.50, p_x = 1.01,
			p_size=10, s_x=0.99, s_y=0.99, s_width=1.15,


Use build_site() and build_home() from the pkgdown package to render and view site changes. The lazy=TRUE option is usefull whilst editing.

The vignettes require some special handeling, see below.


The vignettes are annoying for a number of reasons - one is we don't include them in the package because they are too big (really this should be solved with a .build_ignore type mechanism). Another is they are in a separate "online" dir and we need to pass the path to each one relative to the vignettes dir to build_article/

Here is one way


This places the output in the articles dir of the main website docs/ dir:


N.B. Note that the vignettes themselves were pulled from git@bitbucket.org:Grantlab/bio3d-vignettes.git and placed into the main vignettes/online dir of the bio3d package root dir. They need to be in a sub-dir of vignettes/ here so as to not be included in the built package for CRAN etc.

To Do: setup a git sub-module for these vignettes...