
Project's Date Created does not match local time or have time zone

corrieroe opened this issue · 0 comments

Date and Time April 8, 2021 8:13 pm ET
Which browser & version are you using? Chrome Version 89.0.4389.114 (Official Build) (x86_64)
What was the error code? n/a
Which page had the error and what were you doing when it happened? Be as detailed as possible. Institutional dashboard, project tab: The date and time shown on Date Created is not local time, but also does not have a time zone. The project created was 8:12 pm local time but is shown as +4 hours. Edit: This is also true on the Institution Request tab. The date shown is April 9, while it was created April 8 local time.
Screenshot or screen recording if possible.
Project Created time does not match local time