sambamba (v. 0.8.0) sort: exit code 271
jeffreycyyu opened this issue · 0 comments
I'm having an issue with the sambamba sort function in a step of the whole-genome DNA sequencing pipeline I am running that uses sambamba v.0.8.0.
The pipeline is the GenPipes pipeline ( and the step where the error is occuring is in step 3 of the pipeline ( in the sambamba sort step.
The exit code given by the error is "Exit Code 271" which, based on GenPipes documentation, could be referencing an out-of-memory kill of the process.
We have tried increasing the memory up to 240G, but the error remains.
We are running in batched of 10 and 50 to test, and the "exit code 271" error occurs in approximately 20-40% of the alignment .bam files.
Another thing to note is that the error/crash appears to be stochastic. When we rerun the same samples with errors, the issue will resolve itself for certain samples that were previously crashing.
The sequencing files we have are whole genome sequencing of humans sequenced using MGI/BGI Genomics' DNBSEQ-T7 sequencing set (
We are running the pipeline on McGill University's Genome Center cluster "ABACUS".
No modifications of steps prior to the sambamba sort step were made to the pipeline.
This issue does not appear to be mentioned elsewhere.
We would appreciate any info or recomendations you could provide us regarding this error. Was it perhaps a special error code used during development?
Here is an example .sh script for the command called during this substep of the pipeline:
module purge && \ module load mugqic/sambamba/0.8.0 && \ mkdir -p alignment/K0026_2-3186833/readset018 && \ touch alignment/K0026_2-3186833/readset018 && \ rm -r -f alignment/K0026_2-3186833/readset018/readset018.sorted.bam.bai && \ sambamba sort -m 240G \ alignment/K0026_2-3186833/readset018/readset018.bam \ --tmpdir ${TMPDIR:=/tmp} \ --out alignment/K0026_2-3186833/readset018/readset018.sorted.bam && \ chmod 664 alignment/K0026_2-3186833/readset018/readset018.sorted.bam.bai
The respective output for that command looks like this:
Begin PBS Prologue Thu May 9 11:47:35 EDT 2024 1715269655
Job ID:
Username: jyu
Group: sladek
Nodes: f3u31c01
End PBS Prologue Thu May 9 11:47:36 EDT 2024 1715269656
sambamba 0.8.0
by Artem Tarasov and Pjotr Prins (C) 2012-2020
LDC 1.10.0 / DMD v2.080.1 / LLVM6.0.1 / bootstrap LDC - the LLVM D compiler (0.17.4)
/lb/scratch/jyu/kuwait_whole_genome/batch_1_no_realign_no_spark_samtools_sort/job_output/sambamba_sort/ line 10: 749993 Killed sambamba sort -m 240G alignment/K0026_2-31868
33/readset018/readset018.bam --tmpdir ${TMPDIR:=/tmp} --out alignment/K0026_2-3186833/readset018/readset018.sorted.bam
Begin PBS Epilogue Thu May 9 11:58:16 EDT 2024 1715270296
Job ID:
Username: jyu
Group: sladek
Job Name: sambamba_sort.readset018
Session: 749837
Limits: mem=240gb,neednodes=1:ppn=16,nodes=1:ppn=16,walltime=12:00:00
Resources: cput=01:34:10,energy_used=0,mem=190528332kb,vmem=246532692kb,walltime=00:10:36
Queue: sw
Nodes: f3u31c01
Killing leftovers...
epilogue debug by IT: jyu
End PBS Epilogue Thu May 9 11:58:17 EDT 2024 1715270297
An example command and output of what a successful run of this step in the pipeline is here:
module purge && \ module load mugqic/sambamba/0.8.0 && \ mkdir -p alignment/K0037_2-3186839/readset019 && \ touch alignment/K0037_2-3186839/readset019 && \ rm -r -f alignment/K0037_2-3186839/readset019/readset019.sorted.bam.bai && \ sambamba sort -m 240G \ alignment/K0037_2-3186839/readset019/readset019.bam \ --tmpdir ${TMPDIR:=/tmp} \ --out alignment/K0037_2-3186839/readset019/readset019.sorted.bam && \ chmod 664 alignment/K0037_2-3186839/readset019/readset019.sorted.bam.bai
Begin PBS Prologue Thu May 9 11:47:35 EDT 2024 1715269655
Job ID:
Username: jyu
Group: sladek
Nodes: f3u01c07
End PBS Prologue Thu May 9 11:48:09 EDT 2024 1715269689
sambamba 0.8.0
by Artem Tarasov and Pjotr Prins (C) 2012-2020
LDC 1.10.0 / DMD v2.080.1 / LLVM6.0.1 / bootstrap LDC - the LLVM D compiler (0.17.4)
Begin PBS Epilogue Thu May 9 12:59:07 EDT 2024 1715273947
Job ID:
Username: jyu
Group: sladek
Job Name: sambamba_sort.readset019
Session: 3165220
Limits: mem=240gb,neednodes=1:ppn=16,nodes=1:ppn=16,walltime=12:00:00
Resources: cput=15:39:27,energy_used=0,mem=233038028kb,vmem=257419324kb,walltime=01:10:48
Queue: sw
Nodes: f3u01c07
Killing leftovers...
epilogue debug by IT: jyu
End PBS Epilogue Thu May 9 12:59:41 EDT 2024 1715273981