
Primary LanguageJavaScript

License: MIT

User Manager

This repository contains a simple demo API built with NodeJS. The API is used to manage users in a MongoDB database.


This application was developed using ExpressJS. MongoDB was used for persisting data with Mongoose as ORM.

Setting Up with Docker

Development Environment


This project uses docker, be sure you have docker installed, otherwise, head to docker website to get the version compatible with your Operating System.

Starting Containers

The project contains bash script to start all containers, simplify the interaction with docker and enable dynamic code changes. This can be found in


Before running the script, create a copy of .env.sample in the root folder and name it .env. To start up docker containers, which will include everything specified in the docker compose file and Dockerfiles, run the following command in the project root:


After this, all your containers should be running. You can access the web app on: localhost:3000 from your browser


  • Start up your terminal (or Command Prompt on Windows OS).
  • Ensure that you've node installed on your PC.
  • Clone the repository by entering the command git clone https://github.com/andela-bolajide/UserManager in the terminal.
  • Navigate to the project folder using cd UserManager on your terminal (or command prompt)
  • After cloning, install the application's dependencies with the command npm install.
  • Create a .env file in your root directory as described in .env.sample file. Variables such as DB_URL (which must be a mongoDB URL) and PORT are defined in the .env file and it is essential you create this file before running the application.
  • After this, you can then start the server with the command: npm start.


To ensure that your installation is successful you'll need to run tests. The command: npm test makes this possible. It isn't functional right now, but once it's done you'll be notified via the README.

API Documentation

The API only has one endpoint which is the /users endpoint for saving users to the database. The endpoint works with the HTTP verbs: POST, GET, PUT, DELETE.

  • POST /users
  • INPUT:
name: John Doe
email: john.doe@gmail.com
password: johndoe
HTTP Response
  • HTTP Status: 201: created
  • JSON data
  "_id": "59071791b0lkscm2325794",
  "name": "John Doe",
  "email": "john.doe@gmail.com",
  "password": "johndoe",
  "__v": 0
GET HTTP Response
  • GET /users
        "_id": "59071791b0lkscm2325794",
        "name": "John Doe",
        "email": "john.doe@gmail.com",
        "password": "johndoe",
        "__v": 0
GET HTTP Response
  • GET /users/:id
    "_id": "59071791b0lkscm2325794",
    "name": "John Doe",
    "email": "john.doe@gmail.com",
    "password": "johndoe",
    "__v": 0
  • DELETE /users/:id
User John Doe was deleted
  • PUT /users/:id
  • INPUT:
name: Jane Doe
email: jane.doe@gmail.com
password: janedoe
HTTP Response
  • HTTP Status: 200: OK
  • JSON data
  "_id": "59071791b0lkscm2325794",
  "name": "Jane Doe",
  "email": "jane.doe@gmail.com",
  "password": "janedoe",
  "__v": 0


Olajide Bolaji 'Nuel - Software Developer at Andela