
Setting up with Docker

Clone the project:

git clone url

cd birthdates-api

Be sure you have docker and docker-compose installed on your pc, if not grab it here

Using the API

  • Rename .env.example to .env and update with your custom configs
  • Login or Create an Auth0 account
  • Create an API client from the API section of your Auth0 dashboard
  • Grab your credentials and update the auth0 section of the .env file

Fire up the container & services!

docker-compose up -d

The command above starts the app container and services in the background.

To view the app logs, get the container_id with docker ps then docker log -f {container-hash}.

Go to the API section of your dashboard, go to the Test tab and pick your access token to make calls to protected endpoints.

Yass! You are good to go!