curl -L https://foundry.paradigm.xyz | bash && source ~/.bashrc && foundryup

Install dependency

forge install foundry-rs/forge-std --no-commit --no-git

Goerli Testnet

forge test --fork-url https://rpc.ankr.com/eth_goerli -vvvv --fork-block-number 8897000


IPFS2.ETH : Standalone ENS Resolver as Web3 IPFS Gateway

Authors: sshmatrix, 0xc0de4c0ffee

tags: specification resolver contenthash ccip ens

IPFS2.eth ("IPFS-To-ETH") is a proof-of-concept IPFS gateway-like framework with an ENS CCIP-Read Resolver wrapped in a base32 and base36 decoder. IPFS2.eth is capable of resolving IPFS and IPNS (and IPLD) contenthashes as subdomains *.ipfs2.eth when queried as ENS subdomain or via public ENS gateway services such as *.IPFS2.eth.limo

Supported Subdomain Formats

IPFS (base32):

Syntax: b<base32>.ipfs2.eth


IPNS (base36):

Syntax: k<base36>.ipfs2.eth


IPLD (base32/dag-cbor):


IPFS/IPNS (base16/subdomains):

Syntax: f<prefix>.<bytes16>.<bytes16>.ipfs2.eth


ENS Contenthash (base16/subdomains):

Syntax: <prefix>.<bytes16>.<bytes16>.ipfs2.eth


Several centralised providers offer public gateways for IPFS/IPNS resolution such as https://dweb.link and https://ipfs.io. IPFS2 is a service similar to these public IPFS gateways but it uses an ENS CCIP-Read Resolver and public ENS gateways (eth.limo, eth.link etc). IPFS2 uses eth.limo as its default CCIP gateway to read specific ENS records and is designed to fallback to secondary gateways.


IPFS2 architecture is as follows:

Resolve contenthash

Resolution of <CIDv1-base32>.ipfs2.eth will decode and resolve <CIDv1-base32> via CCIP as ABI-encoded contenthash. This functionality supports both IPNS and IPFS (and IPLD) contenthashes in base32 format.

Using Ethers JS, resolver contract converts ipfs/ipns hash subdomain as contenthash

let wallet = new BrowserProvider(window.ethereum);
const resolver = await wallet.getResolver("bafybeiftyo7xm6ktvsmijtwyzcqavotjybnmsiqfxx3fawxvpr666r6z64.ipfs2.eth");
let contenthash = await resolver.getContentHash();


Goerli : 0xaa3d2c2811141ba4eb0ad0a369cb472151e49089

Mainnet : Code audit in progress

Source Codes

IPFS2 CCIP contracts are available on GitHub