
Code repository for the paper "Prediction of Mycobacterium tuberculosis pyrazinamidase function based on structural stability, physicochemical and geometrical descriptors".

Primary LanguageRMIT LicenseMIT

Folder: inputs

This folder contains the PDBs for each PZAse structure obtained by homology modeling with SWISS-MODEL, the datasets generated by structural analysis and used to build log-linear models, and the set of log-linear models for each kinetic parameter.

Folder: structural analysis

This folder contains the scripts to perform normal mode analysis, molecular dynamics and to calculate geometrical descriptors for each PZAse structure.

Folder: models construction

This folder contains the scripts needed for building log-linear models to predict kinetic parameters.

File: position_analysis.Rmd

The file position_analysis.Rmd takes four inputs:

  • kinetic_parameters.csv: A CSV file containing the relative experimental means of the kinetic parameters.

  • electrostatic_potentials.csv: A CSV file containing a dataset with the physicochemical descriptors.

  • fluctuations.csv: A CSV file containing a dataset with the stability descriptors derived by normal mode analysis.

  • rmsf_backbone.csv: A CSV file containing a dataset with the stability descriptors derived by molecular dynamics.

The outputs are the following figures:

  • Comparison of fluctuations, RMSFs, and electrostatic potentials profiles for all the structures under study, highlighting the WT profiles in red.

  • Three boxplots of fluctuations, RMSFs, and electrostatic potentials per position along PZAse for structures with a relative kcat greater or equal than 50, and other three similar boxplots for structures with a relative kcat less than 50.

And CSV files:

  • Three CSVs files with the outputs of non-parametric tests per position for the mean value of fluctuations, RMSFs, and electrostatic potentials.

File: distance_analysis.Rmd

The file distance_analysis.Rmd takes twelve inputs:

  • Activity_models.RData: A set of R objects for the log-linear models for activity

  • Efficiency_models.RData: A set of R objects for the log-linear models for efficiency

  • Km_models.RData: A set of R objects for the log-linear models for KM

  • Kcat_models.RData: A set of R objects for the log-linear models for kcat

  • distance_to_aa_8.csv: A CSV file with the distances between alpha-carbons of each amino-acid of each structure and Asp8

  • distance_to_aa_49.csv: A CSV file with the distances between alpha-carbons of each amino-acid of each structure and Asp49

  • distance_to_aa_51.csv: A CSV file with the distances between alpha-carbons of each amino-acid of each structure and His51

  • distance_to_aa_57.csv: A CSV file with the distances between alpha-carbons of each amino-acid of each structure and His57

  • distance_to_aa_71.csv: A CSV file with the distances between alpha-carbons of each amino-acid of each structure and His71

  • distance_to_aa_96.csv: A CSV file with the distances between alpha-carbons of each amino-acid of each structure and Lys96

  • distance_to_aa_138.csv: A CSV file with the distances between alpha-carbons of each amino-acid of each structure and Cys138

  • residues.txt: A text file containing the identity of all the residues in PZAse

The output are three figures, one for each kind of descriptors, displaying the 20 nearest residues to each amino-acid of the active site and metal coordination site of wild-type PZAse. Residues associated with selected descriptors are highlighted in red.