Tree-based algorithm to calculate graphlet densities of nodes in a graph using equations.
Command-line use: java -jar jesse-1.1.0.jar
In the command line, Jesse will then ask for the maximal graphlet size and needed files to count the orbits (either the included standard files or newly generated files), a graph file and a file to save the results.
Graph input files need to have an edge on each line, consisting of the names of the two nodes it connects, separated by a tab.
The results file contains the graphlet degrees of each node of the graph. Each line starts with a node's name, followed by its graphlet degrees in order of ascending orbit number, separated by tabs. For instance:
A 4 0 3 3
would mean node 'A' touches orbit 0 (a single edge) 4 times, orbit 1 (an end node of a 3-node path) 0 times, and both orbit 2 (the middle node of a 3-node path) and 3 (the triangle) 3 times.
Compiling the jar-file is done using Maven:
$ mvn clean install
The resulting jar can be found in the target