
Problems installing on Mac OSX 10.15 Catalina

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I'm trying to install nifti2dicom on a new Mac, but unfortunately I'm running into issues with dependencies. Is there a new version of the code that uses more recent versions of Qt (5 or 6) and ITK? If I download the pre-compiled code ( I can get qnifti2dicom to load, but nifti2dicom crashes because it cannot find some itk libraries. Alternatively, if I pull directly from git I find that cmake fails, again due to Qt/ITK.

I also looked into installing using the Homebrew formula ( but sadly the link no longer exists.

Any suggestions/recommendations would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Best wishes,


Sorry for the very long delay...
I cannot help with macos, since I don't have one, the only suggestion that I can give you is to try and compile it from sources.
Perhaps @gabri470 has some working binary version?