1. Project Scripts Documentation

This README file provides a detailed overview of the scripts included in this repository, their purpose, and how to use them. The scripts are designed to work with PostgreSQL and perform various tasks related to database management and data processing.

To initiate the process of importing data and computing results, start by creating a database called CRDB in PostgreSQL, then run the file /script/ This script will import all data, provided it has been organized as instructed below, and will produce all results of analysis.

This project was directed by Prof. Juan B Gutiérrez for the class Mathematical Foundations of Data Analytics.


Reference: [arxiv link, and then peer-reviwed link]

2. Files Description

2.1. Data Overview

  1. 2017-18 Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC): Provides achievement metrics for U.S. middle and high schools, foundational for analyzing educational performance and demographic impacts. URL: CRDC
  2. Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE): Offers annual income and poverty statistics by school district, allowing analysis of economic conditions alongside educational achievements. URL: SAIPE
  3. 2017 School Locations & Geoassignments (SLGA): Contains geocoded addresses and geographic indicators for educational institutions, useful for spatial analysis. URL: SLGA
  4. 2017 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) Database: Provides mortgage data by census tract, to be correlated with educational and socioeconomic data. URL: HMDA
  5. 2017 School District Geographic Relationship Files (SDGR): Highlights the spatial relationships between school districts and other geographic areas, crucial for understanding resource allocation. URL: SDGR
  6. 2020 Address Count Listing Files of the Bureau of the Census (ACLF): Contains detailed housing unit counts by census block, with the Texas file available in your data folder. URL: ACLF

Data Organization All raw data must be stored in a directory named "data" at the work directory. This directory includes several subfolders:

../data/2017-18-crdc-data/2017-18 Public-Use Files/Data/SCH/CRDC/CSV
../data/2017-18-crdc-data/2017-18 Public-Use Files/Data/SCH/EDFacts/CSV
../data/2017-18-crdc-data/2017-18 Public-Use Files/Data/LEA/CRDC/CSV

These subfolders contain various CSV or Excel files which will be converted to CSV if necessary, and then saved as tables in PostgreSQL under the following names:


Shapefiles Overview

  • Source: The shapefiles are downloaded from the U.S. Census Bureau, specifically from their TIGER/Line files. These files are a comprehensive source of geographic data that provides detailed information about various geographical and administrative boundaries in the United States.
  • Usage:
    • County Level Shapefiles: Used to create detailed maps that display data at the county level. This granularity allows for the visualization of data variations within states, which is crucial for analyses that require understanding local differences in demographic and economic conditions. These maps are instrumental in visualizing the distribution of poverty among children and the enrollment rates in Algebra II across different counties. The shapefiles for the counties can be accessed directly via Census Bureau - County Shapefiles 2023
    • State Level Shapefiles: These are used to create broader state-level visualizations. Such maps are useful for assessing and comparing overall state performance and trends, particularly useful in your project for creating heatmaps of state performance in educational metrics. These shapefiles can be accessed through Census Bureau - State Shapefiles 2023
  • Technical Details
    • Format: The shapefiles are provided in a standard format that includes essential geographic data attributes, such as boundaries and identifiers, which can be easily integrated into geographic information systems (GIS) to create maps.
    • Access: Files are accessed via the FTP archive, which allows for direct download of the latest available data for each year, ensuring the maps reflect current administrative boundaries and geographical data.
    • Organization: The shape files must be saved in a folder called "shape_files" in order to be called as follow: ../shape_files/tl_2018_us_county/tl_2018_us_county.shp for the county shape file, and ../shape_files/tl_2023_us_state/tl_2023_us_state.shp for the state shape file.

2.2. Python Scripts


  • Location: 'script' directory.
  • Purpose: Manages PostgreSQL database operations on macOS, installs required packages from requirements.txt, and executes SQL commands to set up the database schema.
  • Detailed Processing Workflow:
    • Clean Up: Initial cleanup of anypreviously generated cleaned_ prefix files in the data directories.
    • Excel to CSV Conversion:
      • Checks for Excel files in the specified directories.
      • Converts them to CSV, adjusting headers and formatting based on the file specifics (e.g., ussd17 has specific columns to be extracted and renamed).
    • CSV Processing:
      • For each CSV file found, calculates the maximum character length of each column to determine VARCHAR sizes for SQL table creation.
      • Generates Data Definition Language (DDL) SQL commands for table creation with columns appropriately sized.
      • Cleans CSV files to remove empty lines and spaces, preparing them for database insertion.
      • Creates SQL copy commands to load data from CSV files into the PostgreSQL tables.
    • SQL File Generation and Execution:
      • Generates SQL files that include schema creation statements and copy commands for each data directory.
      • Executes these SQL files against a PostgreSQL database to populate tables.
  • Dependencies: Requires psycopg2 library for database operations and subprocess for executing pip commands.
  • Data Files: The data should be stored in the following subdirectories:
    ../data/2017-18 Public-Use Files/Data/SCH/CRDC/CSV
    ../data/2017-18 Public-Use Files/Data/SCH/EDFacts/CSV
    ../data/2017-18 Public-Use Files/Data/LEA/CRDC/CSV


  • Location: 'script' directory.

  • Purpose: Automate the setup and preparation of a PostgreSQL database for analyzing educational data. It handles the entire workflow of importing, cleaning, and setting up database tables directly from raw data files.

  • Detailed Processing Workflow:

    • Package Management:
      • Installs or reinstalls packages from a requirements.txt file to ensure the environment matches the specified versions. This is crucial for maintaining consistency across different deployment environments.
    • SQL File Execution:
      • Opens and executes SQL files to run commands on a PostgreSQL database. This includes creating tables, inserting data, and other database operations, committing transactions, and handling errors.
  • Table Definition Generation (DDL):

    • Generates Data Definition Language (DDL) statements for creating SQL tables. All columns are defined as VARCHAR with lengths based on the maximum lengths found in the data. This ensures that the database can accommodate the data without truncation errors.
  • Data Cleaning:

    • Reads and cleans CSV files by removing lines that are empty or contain only spaces. This helps in preventing errors during data import and ensures data quality.
  • Database Connection:

    • Establishes a connection to a PostgreSQL database using credentials and connection parameters. This is essential for executing SQL queries and managing the database.
  • Data Import Workflow:

    • Iterates through each subfolder inside the "data" directory, processing CSV files for each dataset.
    • For each CSV file:
      • Converts Excel files to CSV if necessary.
      • Cleans the CSV files for unnecessary spaces or column names.
      • Generates and writes SQL statements to create tables based on the CSV structure.
      • Prepares SQL commands to import cleaned data into the PostgreSQL database using the COPY command.
      • SQL Command Management:
        • Generates SQL commands for each table and writes them to SQL files, which are later executed against the database to create tables and import data.
  • Requirenments:

    • Requires pandas, psycopg2, openpyxl.
    • You have to create an environmental variables with your PostgreSQL password, called PostgreSQL_PWD.
    • The script requires to create a folder called "SQL" in the work directory.
  • Data Files: This script uses the data explained on Data Overview.

  • Output: The script creates a SQL script in the "SQL" folder and generates the tables in PostgreSQL under the name of "CRDB".


  • Location: 'script' directory.
  • Purpose: Automates the process of finding the best polynomial fit for an histogram representing the proportion of children aged 5 to 17 in poverty for each state. The script iterates through different degrees of polynomials to minimize the root mean square error (RMSE), thus identifying the degree with the minimum error.
  • Detailed Processing Workflow:
    • Polynomial Degree Iteration:
      • Iterates over a range of polynomial degrees to fit the histogram data.
      • Computes the polynomial coefficients for each degree.
    • Error Calculation:
      • Calculates the RMSE for each polynomial fit to assess the accuracy.
      • Identifies the polynomial degree that results in the minimum RMSE.
  • Histogram Approximation:
    • Uses the optimal polynomial fit to approximate the histogram of the proportion of children in poverty across states.
  • Dependencies: Requires psycopg2, geopandas, matplotlib. It is necessary to create a folder in the work directory called "Figures" and a subfolder called "Convergence".
  • Data Files: The script calls executes several SQL queries to obtain the source data for the histograms.


  • Location: 'script' directory.
  • Purpose: Automates the visual representation of poverty data and algebra II enrollment across various geographical divisions, and identifies patterns and disparities in educational and economic metrics. It visually represents these metrics in several forms including histograms, maps, and heatmaps.
  • Detailed Processing Workflow:
    • Data Extraction:
      • Executes several SQL queries to retrieve the necessary data from a PostgreSQL database, including children in poverty, algebra II enrollment, family income, and loan data.
    • Histogram Generation:
      • Creates polynomial approximations of histograms for the proportion of children in poverty.
      • Saves these visualizations in the "Histograms" subfolder.
    • Spatial Analysis:
      • Identifies school districts with a higher proportion of children enrolled in Algebra II compared to those in poverty, and vice versa.
      • Uses a color code system to differentiate these districts on visualizations.
    • Map Visualization:
      • Generates maps by county, plotting family income and loan amounts for each state. Color codes the districts according to the criteria specified for Algebra II and poverty proportions. Saves these maps in the "Income_StateMaps" and "Loan_StateMaps" subfolders.
    • Heatmap Generation:
      • Creates heatmaps to visualize state performance regarding the proportions of children in poverty and their enrollment in Algebra II. Saves these heatmaps in the "Figures" folder.
  • Dependencies:
    • Requires Python libraries such as matplotlib, pandas, psycopg2.
    • Additionally, if it does not already exist, a "Figures" folder should be created. Within this folder, two subfolders named "Income_StateMaps" and "Loan_StateMaps" must also be created.
    • A folder named "shape_fies", located in the work directory is also necessary, where the shape files downloaded from Census Bureau are going to be.
  • Output: Generates and saves visualizations in a structured folder system within the "Figures" directory, which includes subfolders for different types of visual data.
  • Data Files: Utilizes data extracted from SQL databases and processed for visualization purposes. Shape files from all the counties and states were also used to create the map figures. Refer to Data Overview to check it.


  • Purpose: The script automates the generation of a LaTeX document which integrates visual outputs from other analytical processes. Specifically, it compiles heatmaps of average family income and average loan amounts by county, along with histograms into a cohesive LaTeX document, and subsequently generates a PDF.
  • Functionality:
    • Data Collection: The script retrieves heatmap and histogram files previously generated by other scripts in the project.
    • LaTeX Script Generation: It dynamically generates LaTeX code to embed these visualizations in an organized manner. The LaTeX code includes formatting and layout configurations to ensure the visualizations are displayed effectively.
    • Output: The final output is a LaTeX file that systematically presents all the visual data concerning family income, loans, and other relevant metrics, making it a valuable reference document for stakeholders or researchers who require detailed visual insights into the data.


  • Location: 'scripts' directory
  • Purpose: This Python script reads 52 txt files in data/ACLF_AddressCountListingFiles2020_AllStates and creates an address table in a PostgreSQL database by doing the following:
  • Setting the schema search path in PostgreSQL.
  • Cleaning and preparing column names for SQL usage.
  • Establishing data types for SQL table creation.
  • Bulk data insertion into PostgreSQL using batch operations.
  • Creation of indices on the specific state (txt file)
  • Features: Utilizes pandas for data manipulation and psycopg2.extras for efficient batch database operations.
  • Data Files: All txt files in the folder ACLF_AddressCountListingFiles2020_AllStates located in the data directory.


  • Location: 'scripts' directory
  • Purpose: This Python script integrates educational data from LEAIDs with mortgage-related metrics to assess the impact of economic factors on educational outcomes. It executes complex SQL queries to fetch and process data, generates multiple types of visualizations to analyze these relationships, and exports results for further analysis. (Emphasis on this: it is a set up for future analysis). Specific operations include:
    • Checking for the existence of necessary tables and creating them if absent.
    • Normalizing data metrics to make meaningful comparisons across different scales.
    • Producing bar graphs, scatter plots, and histograms to visualize data distributions and correlations.
    • Saving visualizations and raw data outputs to specified directories.
  • Features:
    • Uses pandas for data handling and transformations.
    • Employs matplotlib and seaborn for generating a variety of charts and plots.
    • Utilizes psycopg2 to handle database connections and transactions.
    • Implements error handling to manage database interactions and file operations effectively.
  • Data Files: Data is fetched directly from a PostgreSQL database, specifically from tables related to LEAID data and mortgage metrics. The script assumes these tables are already populated and available in the database.
  • Output: Graphs are saved in PDF format in the specified 'image' directory, and data tables are exported as CSV files, as well as a txt file with notes, in 'output' directory.

2.3. Error Handling

Includes comprehensive error handling to manage and rollback database transactions if exceptions occur during SQL script executions. Additionally, logs errors during data fetching and graph generation to assist with debugging.

2.4. Dependencies

  • Python Packages: os, psycopg2, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, sklearn
  • Data Source: PostgreSQL database with configured tables and access rights.

3. SQL Script

3.1. leaid_tract_conversions.sql

  • Location: sql/leaid_tract_conversions.sql within the script/ directory.
  • Purpose: Facilitates critical preprocessing steps for handling LEAID and tract data, ensuring the database is optimized for efficient queries. The script includes preliminary data cleaning, indexing for optimization, and setting up the database schema for detailed educational data analysis. This script should be run AFTER scripts/ to configure the database correctly for subsequent data loading and querying operations.
  • Weight Assignment: Weights are calculated based on the land area associated with each block group, ensuring more accurate data representation in analyses. The weights help in adjusting student counts and other metrics to reflect the proportionate size of each geographical unit. A few notes:
    • Zero Land Area: Block groups with zero land area receive a weight of zero to exclude them from contributing to averages. It is noteworthy that no leaids were made entirely of block groups with zero land area.
    • Single LEAID: Block groups with positive land area contributing to a single LEAID and are assigned a weight of one, to reflect that fact that 100% of the block group contributes to given LEAID.
    • Multiple LEAIDs: For block groups spanning multiple LEAIDs, weights are dynamically calculated based on the ratio of the land area area associated with each LEAID-block-group pair to the total land area associated with each LEAID. The weights for an LEAID sum to 1. The functions get_leaid_students_and_landarea() and assign_blkgrp_weights() encapsulate the logic for computing these weights and are used to update the database accordingly.
  • Cleaning and Prepration: To prepare the data, columns were added to existing tables, adjustmented were made to data types, and functions were created. Extensive use of indexing on pivotal columns like LEAID, tract, and block group identifiers to expedite data retrieval operations.
  • RESULTS: The following functions are notable and are used in within the script/ directory.
    1. calculate_totals_for_all_leaids - Location: public schema of "CRDB" - Purpose: This function iterates over all LEAIDs, calculating various metrics related to enrollment, population, and their estimated counterparts, along with errors in estimation. It operates by invoking the calculate_leaid_totals() function for each LEAID and combines the results with additional information about the number of block groups in each LEAID. - Input: None - Output: A table containing the following columns:

      • leaid_: LEAID identifier
      • total_enrollment_leaid: Total enrollment count for the LEAID
      • estimated_leaid_enrollment: Estimated enrollment count for the LEAID
      • student_error: Error in student count estimation (the difference between total enrollment and estimated enrollment)
      • total_population_leaid: Total population count for the LEAID
      • estimated_leaid_population: Estimated population count for the LEAID
      • pop_error: Error in population count estimation (the difference between total population and estimated population)
      • num_blks_in_leaid: Number of block groups within the LEAID
      • Implementation Details:
      • Temporarily creates a table to store distinct LEAIDs.
      • Iterates over each LEAID, invoking calculate_leaid_totals() and joining the results with additional block group information.
      • Calculates errors in enrollment and population estimation.
      • Cleans up temporary table after processing.
      • Usage: This function provides insights into the accuracy of enrollment and population estimations for each LEAID, facilitating further analysis and decision-making based on the data's reliability.
    2. get_algebraii_enrollment_summary_leaid - Location: public schema of "CRDB" - Purpose: This function computes a summary of Algebra II enrollment statistics for each LEAID. It calculates the total number of males enrolled in Algebra II (total_algii_males), the total number of females enrolled in Algebra II (total_algii_females), the overall Algebra II enrollment count (total_algii_enrollment), and the percentage of students enrolled in Algebra II relative to the general total enrollment (percentage_algii_enrollment). It operates by querying the "CRDB" database's algebraii table and utilizes the get_total_students_by_leaid() function to obtain the general total enrollment for each LEAID. We are only interested in schools that offer Algebra II. - Input: None - Output: A table with the following columns:

      • leaid: LEAID identifier
      • total_algii_males: Total males enrolled in Algebra II
      • total_algii_females: Total females enrolled in Algebra II
      • total_algii_enrollment: Total enrollment in Algebra II
      • general_total_enrollment: General total enrollment for the LEAID
      • percentage_algii_enrollment: Percentage of students enrolled in Algebra II relative to the general total enrollment
      • Implementation Details:
        • Aggregates male and female enrollment counts separately, considering only non-negative values.
        • Calculates the total Algebra II enrollment by summing up male and female enrollment counts.
        • Computes the percentage of Algebra II enrollment relative to the general total enrollment, handling potential division by zero errors.
      • Usage: This function facilitates the assessment of Algebra II enrollment patterns across LEAIDs, aiding in educational policy planning and resource allocation.
    3. get_leaid_algii_mortgage - Location: public schema of "CRDB" - Purpose: This function retrieves mortgage data associated with Algebra II enrollment statistics for each LEAID. It fetches information such as the denial count, weighted average rate spread, weighted average minority population, weighted average HUD median family income, and weighted average tract-to-MSAMD income. The function joins the results from get_algebraii_enrollment_summary_leaid() with data obtained from get_hmda_data_per_tract_leaid() to provide insights into mortgage-related metrics correlated with Algebra II enrollment. - Input: None - Output: A table with the following columns:

      • leaid: LEAID identifier
      • algii_enrollment: Total Algebra II enrollment for the LEAID
      • percentage_algii_enrollment: Percentage of students enrolled in Algebra II relative to the general total enrollment
      • denial_count: Total count of mortgage denials
      • weighted_avg_rate_spread: Weighted average rate spread of mortgages
      • weighted_avg_minority_population: Weighted average minority population
      • weighted_avg_hud_median_family_income: Weighted average HUD median family income
      • weighted_avg_tract_to_msamd_income: Weighted average tract-to-MSAMD income
      • Implementation Details:
        • Joins the results from get_algebraii_enrollment_summary_leaid() with data obtained from get_hmda_data_per_tract_leaid() based on the LEAID.
        • Aggregates mortgage-related metrics such as denial count and weighted averages.
      • Usage: This function enables the examination of potential correlations between Algebra II enrollment rates and mortgage-related factors, aiding in understanding socioeconomic dynamics within educational contexts.
      • Note: The function creates or replaces a table leaid_algii_mortgage_data to store the results for further analysis.

3.2. blocks.sql

  • Location: sql/blocks.sql within the sql/ directory.
  • Purpose: Contains SQL statements for creating indices to optimize query performance in the "CRDB" schema.
  • Details: Creates indices on fields like LEAID, TRACT, STATE, COUNTY, and BLOCK_GEOID to improve the efficiency of database operations.

4. Assumptions

  • Database Setup: The PostgreSQL database is pre-configured with the necessary schemas and tables.
  • File Hierarchy:
    • SQL scripts are located under the sql/ directory. For example, the indexing script is found at sql/blocks.sql.
    • Data files intended for processing, such as data/aclf_data.txt, are stored in the data/ directory.
    • Python scripts are executed from the root directory, where they can access SQL scripts and data files using relative paths.
  • Permissions: Users must have the appropriate permissions to execute SQL queries and run Python scripts that interact with the database.
  • Network Access: Required for fetching data or installing packages, assuming a stable internet connection is available.