
OAuth 2.0 implementation for various providers in one place.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


OAuth 2.0 implementation for various providers in one place.

Facebook Google Instagram Reddit Discord GitHub GitLab DigitalOcean Bitbucket

This project contains OAuth 2.0 implementation for various providers and helps you understand OAuth 2.0 flow:

  1. Show platform dialog
  2. Get Access Token
  3. Use token to fetch user details

Although this project is build using React for frontend and NodeJS for backend, the flow and implementation largely remains same for any other language or framework.



Social platforms

Tech platforms



  1. Read official flow: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/manually-build-a-login-flow
  2. Create a new application: https://developers.facebook.com/apps/
  3. Goto App → Add Product and choose Facebook Login
  4. Goto App → Products → Facebook Login → Settings and add a Valid OAuth Redirect URI as https://example.com/authorize/ (replace your actual domain for live)
  5. Goto App → Settings and copy App ID and App Secret
  6. Update web/.env.local REACT_APP_OAUTH_FACEBOOK_ID with App ID
  7. Update api/.env.local OAUTH_FACEBOOK_ID with App ID
  8. Update api/.env.local OAUTH_FACEBOOK_SECRET with App Secret

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  1. Read official flow: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/web-server
  2. Create a new application: https://console.cloud.google.com/projectcreate
  3. Setup consent screen https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials/consent
    1. Choose External (Available to any user with a Google Account.)
    2. In Authorized domains input enter example.com
    3. Fill in Application Name and click Save button
  4. Create Credentials https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials
    1. Click on + CREATE CREDENTIALS button
    2. Choose OAuth client ID
    3. Select Web application
    4. For Authorized redirect URIs, fill in following two entries:
      1. https://example.com/authorize/
      2. http://localhost:3000/authorize/
  5. Copy Your Client ID and Your Client Secret
  6. Update web/.env.local REACT_APP_OAUTH_GOOGLE_ID with Your Client ID
  7. Update api/.env.local OAUTH_GOOGLE_ID with Your Client ID
  8. Update api/.env.local OAUTH_GOOGLE_SECRET with Your Client Secret

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  1. Read official flow: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-basic-display-api/getting-started

  2. Create a new application: https://developers.facebook.com/apps/

  3. Goto App → Settings → Basic and fill in all the required fields

  4. Goto App → Add Product and choose Instagram Basic Display

  5. Click on Create New App button

  6. Goto App → Products → Basic Display and fill in following

    1. Valid OAuth Redirect URIs as https://example.com/authorize/
    2. Deauthorize Callback URL as https://example.com/authorize/instagram-deauthorize
    3. Data Deletion Request URL as https://example.com/authorize/instagram-delete
  7. Goto App → Products → Basic Display → Roles → Roles and click on Add Instagram Testers, search for your account and click on Submit

  8. Accept the tester invite https://www.instagram.com/accounts/manage_access/

  9. Goto App → Products → Basic Display and copy Instagram App ID and Instagram App Secret

  10. Update web/.env.local REACT_APP_OAUTH_INSTAGRAM_ID with Instagram App ID

  11. Update api/.env.local OAUTH_INSTAGRAM_ID with Instagram App ID

  12. Update api/.env.local OAUTH_INSTAGRAM_SECRET with Instagram App Secret

  13. Note:

    1. As of writing this Readme, Instagram does not accept localhost:3000 as valid callback URI. So while testing, you may need to manually change the callback URL.
    2. For production, you need to complete App Review for Instagram Basic Display by submitting instagram_graph_user_profile and instagram_graph_user_media for review.

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  1. Read official flow: https://github.com/reddit-archive/reddit/wiki/OAuth2
  2. Create a new OAuth application: https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps and fill in following:
    1. name enter your application name, eg: Example
    2. description enter info about your app, eg: OAuth example application
    3. about url enter your website url, eg: https://example.com
    4. redirect uri:
      1. For development, enter http://localhost:3000/authorize/
      2. For production, enter https://example.com/authorize/
  3. Click on create app button
  4. Copy id (below the entered app name) and secret
  5. Update web/.env.local REACT_APP_OAUTH_REDDIT_ID with id
  6. Update api/.env.local OAUTH_REDDIT_ID with id
  7. Update api/.env.local OAUTH_REDDIT_SECRET with secret

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  1. Read official flow: https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/oauth2
  2. Create a new OAuth application: https://discord.com/developers/applications and click on New Application
  3. Fill in name, eg: Example and click on Create button
  4. Go to application's OAuth section https://discord.com/developers/applications/CLIENT_ID/oauth2 and for Redirects, create following two entries:
    1. http://localhost:3000/authorize/ for development
    2. https://example.com/authorize/ for production
  5. Copy CLIENT ID (below the entered app name) and CLIENT SECRET
  6. Update web/.env.local REACT_APP_OAUTH_DISCORD_ID with CLIENT ID
  7. Update api/.env.local OAUTH_DISCORD_ID with CLIENT ID
  8. Update api/.env.local OAUTH_DISCORD_SECRET with CLIENT SECRET

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  1. Read official flow: https://developer.github.com/apps/building-oauth-apps/authorizing-oauth-apps
  2. Create a new OAuth application: https://github.com/settings/applications/new and fill in following:
    1. Application name enter your application name, eg: Example
    2. Homepage URL enter your website url, eg: https://example.com
    3. Authorization callback URL:
      1. For development, enter http://localhost:3000/authorize/
      2. For production, enter https://example.com/authorize/
  3. Copy Client ID and Client Secret
  4. Update web/.env.local REACT_APP_OAUTH_GITHUB_ID with Client ID
  5. Update api/.env.local OAUTH_GITHUB_ID with Client ID
  6. Update api/.env.local OAUTH_GITHUB_SECRET with Client Secret

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  1. Read official flow: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/oauth2.html#web-application-flow
  2. Create a new OAuth application: https://gitlab.com/profile/applications and fill in following:
    1. Name enter your application name, eg: Example
    2. Homepage URL enter your website url, eg: https://example.com
    3. Authorization callback URL enter http://localhost:3000/authorize/ and on new line https://example.com/authorize/
  3. For Scopes check read_user, profile and email
  4. Click on Save application button and copy Application ID and Secret
  5. Update web/.env.local REACT_APP_OAUTH_GITLAB_ID with Application ID
  6. Update api/.env.local OAUTH_GITLAB_ID with Application ID
  7. Update api/.env.local OAUTH_GITLAB_SECRET with Secret

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  1. Read official flow: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/oauth2.html#web-application-flow
  2. Create a new OAuth application: https://cloud.digitalocean.com/account/api/applications/new and fill in following:
    1. Name enter your application name, eg: Example
    2. Homepage URL enter your website url, eg: https://example.com
    3. Description enter info about your app, eg: OAuth example application
    4. Authorization callback URL:
      1. For development, enter http://localhost:3000/authorize/
      2. For production, enter https://example.com/authorize/
  3. Click on Save button
  4. Click on More → View and copy Client ID and Client Secret
  5. Update web/.env.local REACT_APP_OAUTH_DIGITALOCEAN_ID with Client ID
  6. Update api/.env.local OAUTH_DIGITALOCEAN_ID with Client ID
  7. Update api/.env.local OAUTH_DIGITALOCEAN_SECRET with Client Secret

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  1. Read official flow: https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucket/oauth-on-bitbucket-cloud-238027431.html
  2. Create a new OAuth application: https://bitbucket.org/USERNAME/workspace/settings/oauth-consumers/new and fill in following:
    1. Name enter your application name, eg: Example
    2. Homepage URL enter your website url, eg: https://example.com
    3. Description enter info about your app, eg: OAuth example application
    4. Callback URL:
      1. For development, enter http://localhost:3000/authorize/
      2. For production, enter https://example.com/authorize/
  3. Under Permissions → Account check Email and Read
  4. Click on Save button
  5. Click on Name of your application and copy Key and Secret
  6. Update web/.env.local REACT_APP_OAUTH_BITBUCKET_ID with Key
  7. Update api/.env.local OAUTH_BITBUCKET_ID with Key
  8. Update api/.env.local OAUTH_BITBUCKET_SECRET with Secret

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Core Structure

  ├── api
  │   > PORT 4000
  │   > localhost:4000
  │   > api.example.com
  ├── web
  │   > PORT 3000
  │   > localhost:3000
  │   > example.com
  └── README.md (you are here)

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Setup and Running

  • Prerequisites

    • Node (v12.x)
    • MongoDB (v4.x)
    • IDE (Webstorm / Visual Studio Code)
  • Clone repository git clone git@github.com:atulmy/oauth.git oauth

  • API

    • Switch to api directory cd oauth/api
    • Configuration
      • Create local environment file cp .env.dev .env.local
      • Edit .env.local for SECURITY_SECRET, DATABASE_URL and OAUTH_.. values
    • Setup
      • Install packages npm install
    • Run
  • Web

    • Switch to web directory cd oauth/web
    • Configuration
      • Create local environment file cp .env.dev .env.local
      • Edit .env.local for REACT_APP_OAUTH_.. values
    • Setup
      • Install packages npm install
    • Run

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Found an integration not working? Open an issue / Send a Pull Request with fixes.

Looking for a particular OAuth integration not yet added? Open an issue / Send a Pull Request with additional integrations.


  • Atul Yadav - GitHub · Twitter
  • [YOUR NAME HERE] - Feel free to contribute to the codebase by resolving any open issues, refactoring, adding new features, writing test cases or any other way to make the project better and helpful to the community. Feel free to fork and send pull requests.

Hire me

Looking for a developer to build your next idea or need a developer to work remotely? Get in touch: atul.12788@gmail.com


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Copyright (c) 2020 Atul Yadav http://github.com/atulmy

The MIT License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)