
Primary LanguageTypeScript

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Start the app

yarn && yarn start

browser window should open automatically on localhost:3000

Tech used

  • Typescript
  • React
  • React-Router
  • Styled Components
  • Styled System
  • React Charts (recharts)
  • Formik & Yup
  • axios
  • ramda
  • react-icons
  • Jest

Approach & mindset

Originally i wanted to use my favourite apollo-client, but instead i made my own simplified apollo like client, using non-graphql request with axios.

For state management i used react hooks (useReducer) instead of full redux approach. Entire store is in this case basically a cache for API calls.

All UI components are made from scratch and quite flexible, utilizing Lego-like structure when one component is inheriting props from another (Box is main building block).

Responsivity is achieved by using amazing styled-system library (eg: <Box p=[0, 5, 10]> === padding on mobile is 0, on tablet 5 and 10 on bigger screens ), respecting breakpoints in default-theme.ts

How it works

There are 2 main Types:
Record represents the response item(s)
RequestParams is used for assembling the request(s)

Filter component generates RequestParams for each request based on selected options in the filter.
For Yugoslavia case, RequestParams for all necessary countries are generated.

One RequestParams or more [RequestParams, RequestParams] are piped into Query component via props.

Query component, using render props, is supplying its children with { data, loading, errors }

  • data is the final data from one or more requests
  • loading is bool value which is true until all data is loaded
  • errors if something goes wrong errors object will contain error messages

before fetching any data, Query is checking cache store (via useStore hook) for any existing cached responses. Each API response is cached under a unique key (in this case Key is generated from RequestParams, but normally some id would be nice + hashing)

Adding new data locally is using Formik and Yup for form validation and input. Values are then added to cache store under current cache key.

Additional notes and spoilers :)

  • Since i didn't use any pre-built UI library there is not much accessibility support (ARIA and alike). I think, in real production app, this UI library should be extracted into separate package and fully tested for all scenarios.
  • I only tested data transformers, for same reasons as point above.