
##Description Building and installing gearman from scratch on an amazon aws ec2 server can be a complex challenge. The following script can be cut and pasted into the terminal window of a newly built "Amazon Linux AMI" instance. The script will not only install the lastest version of gearman but will also configure it and install additional components (supervisord) to have a fully functional gearman server with php support.

##How to use this script?


  1. Open the gearman-ec2-build-script file
  2. Select and copy the commands between the "CUT" marks
  3. Paste the commands into the instance terminal window and press enter
  4. Wait...
  5. Confirm that the reverse_client.php example returns the reverse string correctly
  6. Enjoy your new gearman server

###Post Install

  • Add gearman workers files to "/etc/supervisord/gearman_workers" (see reverse_worker.php example)
  • Create a supervisord ini file for each gearman worker in the "/etc/supervisord/" directory (see reverse_worker.ini exmaple)
  • Any ".ini" files added to the "/etc/supervisord" directory will automatically be run by supervisord when it is started/restarted.
  • Restart supervisord when you change any of the ini files or gearman workers (sudo service supervisord restart)
  • Check that the gearman workers are all running (ps -efl | grep gearmand)

##Main Workflow

  1. Update / Patch base instance
  2. Install all dependences
  3. Download, build, and install gearman
  4. Configure gearman (add user, create log files, enable auto startup)
  5. Build PHP environment and install the PECL/Gearman extension
  6. Download, build, and install supervisord (via python-setuptools/easy_install)
  7. Configure supervisord (create init.d file, create supervisord.conf, enable auto startup)
  8. Create working directories for gearman workers and supervisord log files
  9. Create a test gearman worker (reverse_worker.php) and enable for auto start via supervisord
  10. Run test gearman client (reverse_client.php)

##Main Components Installed

  • Gearman 1.1.9
  • Supervisord x.x (latest version via easy_install)
  • PECL/Gearman extension

##Additional Dependencies/Components Installed

  • 'Development Tools' (yum group install)
  • boost-devel
  • gperf
  • libevent-devel
  • sqlite-devel
  • libmemcached-devel
  • mysql-devel
  • mysql
  • php-mysql
  • php
  • php-pear
  • php-devel
  • httpd-devel
  • php-pecl-apc
  • php-cli
  • python-setuptools
  • PECL/memcache extension
  • Net_Gearman

##Directories Created

  • /etc/supervisord (Supervisord configuration files)
  • /etc/supervisord/gearman_workers (Gearman workers home directory)
  • /var/log/supervisord/ (Supervisord log directory)
  • /var/log/supervisord/gearman/ (Gearman worker log directory)

##Files Created ####Log files

  • /var/log/gearmand.log (Gearman main log file)
  • /etc/sysconfig/gearmand (Gearman config file)

####Init.d files (auto start-up)

  • /etc/init.d/gearmand (Gearman init.d file)
  • /etc/init.d/supervisord (Supervisord init.d file)

####Config files

  • /etc/supervisord/supervisord.conf (Supervisord config file)

####Example Files

  • /etc/supervisord/reverse_worker.ini (Example - Supervisord "reverse_worker" config file)
  • /etc/supervisord/gearman_workers/reverse_worker.php (Example - "reverse_worker" php file)
  • /etc/supervisord/gearman_workers/reverse_client.php (Example - "reverse_client" php file)

#Future Features

  • Enable run @ instance launch
  • Create a minimal version (without comment or examples)
  • Use Git or wget to pull the example files and config files (making the script shorter)
  • Enable / Configure persistnet job queues
  • Harden Server / Configure auto update
  • Convert script to bash script with install options
  • Include Gearman Manager (for monitoring)
  • Include checks for gearman issues and force reboot / re-start of the service if needed
  • Create more detailed wiki instructions
  • Gearman Monitor install