
An ansible role for dnsdist

GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

PowerDNS dnsdist Role

An Ansible role create by the folks behind PowerDNS to set up dnsdist.


An Ansible 2.0 or higher installation.



Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

dnsdist_install_repo: False

By default dnsdist is installed from the os default repositories. You can install dnsdist from the official PowerDNS repository overriding the dnsdist_install_repo variable value as follows:

# Install dnsdist from the master branch
- hosts: pdns-dnsdists
  - { role: PowerDNS.dnsdist,
      dnsdist_install_repo: "{{ dnsdist_powerdns_repo_master }}"

# Install dnsdist 1.0.x
- hosts: pdns-dnsdists
  - { role: PowerDNS.dnsdist,
      dnsdist_install_repo: "{{ dnsdist_powerdns_repo_10 }}"

# Install dnsdist 1.1.x
- hosts: pdns-dnsdists
  - { role: PowerDNS.dnsdist,
      dnsdist_install_repo: "{{ dnsdist_powerdns_repo_11 }}"

The roles also supports custom repositories

- hosts: all
      apt_repo_origin: "my.repo.com"  # used to pin dnsdist to the provided repository
      apt_repo: "deb http://my.repo.com/{{ ansible_distribution | lower }} {{ ansible_distribution_release | lower }}/dnsdist main"
      gpg_key: "http://my.repo.com/MYREPOGPGPUBKEY.asc" # repository public GPG key
      gpg_key_id: "MYREPOGPGPUBKEYID" # to avoid to reimport the key each time the role is executed
      yum_repo_baseurl: "http://my.repo.com/centos/$basearch/$releasever/dnsdist"
      yum_repo_name: "dnsdist"   # used to select only dnsdist packages coming from this repo
  - { role: PowerDNS.dnsdist }

If targeting only a specific platform (e.g. Debian) it's not needed to provide other platform (e.g. yum) repositories informations.

dnsdist_install_epel: True

By default the role installs also the EPEL repository. EPEL is needed to satisfy some dnsdist dependencies like lidsodium. If these dependencies are included into other repositories already configured in the host or in the custom dnsdist_install_repo, set this variable to False to skip EPEL installation.

dnsdist_acls: []

A list of dnsdist ACLS (netmasks) to add to the configuration.

dnsdist_carbonserver: ""

The IP address of the Carbon server that should receive dnsdist metrics.

dnsdist_controlsocket: ""

The IP address to listen on for the control socket.

dnsdist_locals: ['']

A list of IP addresses dnsdist should listen on.

dnsdist_servers: []

A list of IP addresses denoting the downstream DNS servers in the default pool.

dnsdist_setkey: ""

A string that has the key for the dnsdist client.

dnsdist_webserver_address: ""

The IP address where the built-in webserver should listen, empty thus disabled by default.

dnsdist_webserver_password: ""

The password for the webserver. Must be set when dnsdist_webserver_address is set.

dnsdist_config: ""

A string containing the full config for dnsdist. This is copied verbatim to the dnsdist.conf file.

Example Playbook

Deploy dnsdist in front of Google DNS and enable the web monitoring interface

- hosts: pdns-dnsdists
    - { role: PowerDNS.dnsdist,
        dnsdist_servers: ['', ''],
        dnsdist_webserver_address: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4['address']:8083 }}",
        dnsdist_webserver_password: 'geheim' }

Configure dnsdist provide custom configuration directives

- hosts: pdns-dnsdists
    - { role: PowerDNS.dnsdist,
        dnsdist_config: |



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