
CU-UD: text-mining drug and chemical-protein interactions with ensembles of BERT-based models

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

CU-UD: text-mining drug and chemical-protein interactions with ensembles of BERT-based models


Identifying the relations between chemicals and proteins is an important text mining task. BioCreative VII track 1 DrugProt task aims to promote the development and evaluation of systems that can automatically detect relations between chemical compounds/drugs and genes/proteins in PubMed abstracts. In this work, we describe our submission, which is an ensemble system, including multiple BERT-based language models. We combine the outputs of individual models using majority voting and multilayer perceptron.


The DrugProt dataset can be downloaded at https://zenodo.org/record/5042151#.YOdvf0wpCUm


Our system obtained 0.7708 in precision and 0.7770 in recall, for an F1 score of 0.7739, demonstrating the effectiveness of using ensembles of BERT-based language models for automatically detecting relations between chemicals and proteins.

Run System Precision Recall F1-score
1 Stacking (MLP) 0.7421 0.7902 0.7654
2 Stacking (MLP) 0.7360 0.7925 0.7632
3 Stacking (MLP)+Majority Voting 0.7708 0.7770 0.7739
4 Majority Voting 0.7721 0.7750 0.7736
5 BioM-ELECTRA_L 0.7548 0.7747 0.7647

Get started

Install from source

$ git clone https://github.com/bionlplab/drugprot_bcvii/
$ cd /path/to/drugprot_bcvii
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Prepare the dataset

After downloading the Drugprot dataset (entities, relations and abstracts files), create a folder drugprot-gs under the root project directory and unzip the dataset in that folder.

Run the preprocessing script as:

chmod +x scripts/preprocess.sh

This script will create two folders drugprot_data and drugprot_data_tag2 which contain the BERT input data train.tsv, dev.tsv, test.tsv corresponding to the two different tagging mechanism, respectively, as described in the paper.

Fine-tune individual models

You can find the pretrained models:

BioBERT: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1RjwQ2rgAm6W1phMJP5d1YZGMIL2dEJNX

PubMedBERT: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1tQFu0O0fCyZkX6WnvIphtuoGfzQz3lj6

After downloading one of the pre-trained weights, unpack it to any directory you want and change the PRETRAIN_DIR variable in run_finetuning.sh file accordingly. We fine-tuned BioBERT and PubMedBERT on GeForce RTX 2080 Ti using Tensorflow Library. Since BioM-ELECTRAL is a large model, we fine-tuned it using Google Colab's free gpu/tpu service. An example Colab notebook for fine-tuning of BioM-ELECTRAL will be provided soon.

Update the DATA_DIR variable in the run_finetuning.sh script to point a folder containing BERT input data. --output_feature=true flag allows model to write [CLS] predictions in the output directory you're going to set in the same script file.

Default parameters in the run_finetuning.sh script will allow you to fine-tune PubMedBERT with good set of parameters.

Set BERT_MODEL variable to original to keep the default BERT LM head. Set it to attention_last_layer to add attention layer at the last layer. Set it to lstm_last_layer to add LSTM layer at the last layer.

You can experiment with the class weights defined in the class-weighted loss function in the create_model method of run_re.py script.

Run the finetuning script as:

chmod +x run_finetuning.sh

Train ensemble models

Ensemble models are developed with Pytorch. You can install pytorch with pip

pip install torch==1.7.1+cu101 torchvision==0.8.2+cu101 torchaudio==0.7.2 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html

Fine-tuning any BERT model provides softmax outputs (probabilities for 14 classes) in a file test_results.tsv. majority_voting.py script expects five different input directories corresponding to the individiual probability files, and an output directory to write the output probability file. Replace indir1 to indir 5 with actual directory names below.

python majority_voting.py -d1 indir1 -d2 indir2 -d3 indir3 -d4 indir4 -d5 indir5 -o outdir

ensemble_mlp_cls.py shows an example way to train an mlp with the ensemble of five [CLS] token extracted from five individual models. Script expects reserved ensemble training data/validation data, directories for the five model predictions ([CLS]) and the training/evaluatin flag.

How to cite this work

Karabulut ME, Vijay-Shanker K, Peng Y.
CU-UD: text-mining drug and chemical-protein interactions with ensembles of BERT-based models.
In BioCreative VII. 2021 (accepted)


This work is supported by the National Library of Medicine under Award No. 4R00LM013001.