Caroline Word Graph - http://www.pathcom.com/~vadco/cwg.html

Primary LanguageC

Original source and documentation - See http://www.pathcom.com/~vadco/cwg.html. I've made some modifications though - see below.


This is a deterministic acyclic finite state automaton, also known as prefix and suffix compression on English words. And this implementation is both really small and really fast.

I've included a sample usage of the dictionary iterator, as well as running through the debug method in the Just-CWG-Search reference implementation (which does a recursive walk). To compile and test this, simply run 'make'. This will create 'cwg' with debugging symbols, which, when run, will create and verify the word graph, and print out all the words in it. You can run 'make clean' to remove all of the generated files.


  • The creator has been split up into seperate files for each of the structs.
  • The ListFormat array has been modified. Bits 30 - 25 now (optionally) store the number for a letter (1 - 26) that can optionally be part of the format. This letter is used IFF the highest bit of the consuming node's list format index is 1, otherwise it is ignored.
  • Header files for easier incorporation into other projects.
  • Modifications / additions to debug/log output.
  • Modifications to the Justin-CWG-Search sample code to use the modified data structures, including a debug method to validate the datastructure.
  • Reformated and updated to use things like stdbool, C99 style for loops, etc, and to compile on OS X.
  • Uses lowercase dictionary words
  • Added support for multiple threadsafe iterators over the dictionary via DictionaryManager


The first commit is JohnPaul Adamovsky's original files, and the rest is my fork. He doesn't appear to be on github, and his files don't appear to be licensed in any capacity... but I'll happily transfer the repo to him if he wants it, or fork anything official he puts up.

This assumes that you have at least one word starting with each of the letters of the alphabet. If you don't, it will crash.