
Standardized formatting for c-style languages

Primary LanguagePython

Supported Languages:
Objective C
Any language that uses C-style bracket syntax

To ignore isseues, place "$ignore" as the very last text on a line
Example: else { //$ignore
WARNING: This will suppress ALL warnings associated with this line!
NOTE: For languages without a multiline comment syntax, you must close the comment on a new line
    Example: else { /* $ignore

Known limitations:
Objective C lint assumes one interface per .h file and one implementation per .m file

Projected Cost
CodeLint is written and maintained by a developer at DrewCrawfordApps LLC, an iPhone and iPad consulting company. CodeLint is the result of approximately 7 hours of work, valued at $875 at current market rates, and is provided to you at no charge. If this project is of use to you please consider us for your next project.