
ROS driver for NDI/Ascension trakSTAR/driveBAY2 devices

Primary LanguageC++BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


ROS driver for NDI/Ascension trakSTAR/driveBAY2 devices

The package was tested in Ubuntu 16.04 with ROS-kinetic and Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS-Noetic.


First, make sure you have installed libusb, if not

sudo uapt-get install libusb-dev

Create a workspace and clone this package

You can follow the instructions on how to create a workspace in catkin here http://wiki.ros.org/catkin/Tutorials/create_a_workspace

Clone the repo to your src directory in the catkin workspace. Build the project through catkin_make or catkin build

Copy USB permissions file

Copy the "99-libusb.rules" file into the path "/etc/udev/rules.d/" or you can copy by command:

sudo cp ../src/ascension_ros/99-libusb.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/

Then reload the udev rules by:

sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger

Start the system

Start ROS through terminal:


Set the source from the main catkin_ws by:

source devel/setup.bash

Launch the demo of visualing the sensor pose in Rviz by:

roslaunch ascension demo.launch

Launch the visualization of the sensor pose with respect to the snake robot in Rviz by:

roslaunch ascension transform.launch