Code on titan 6
Included Packages: py_con - python controls with IK, joystick, stand/sit eigenbot - contains eigenbot_drivers titan_base - simple joint space commands for small demos
Batteries: Main batteries - Nominal voltage 50 v, can charge up to 5 amps Computer battery (LiGo) - Nominal voltage 36 v, can charge up to 3 amps
E stop (on the leg) - controls power to modules M stop (wireless) - prevents commanded movements
Module Lights: M stop engaged : yellow and red flashing M stop disengaged : blue and green flashing Encoder problem : red flashing
Running Smart Startup Script:
Plug in LiGo, and turn it on. This will turn on the computer on Titan.
Make sure the robot is physically in a zero position (each leg in neutral position, longest link perpendicular to the groud)
Disengage E stop to turn on robot. (keep wireless M stop Engaged)
Wait till the wifi network named "Titan" shows up on your laptop, connect to the Titan network using a laptop.
From a terminal
ssh biorobotics@titanuc
(password is "biorobotics")
Navigate to titanCode folder
run this command
(Should take 8 seconds to startup)
Turn on joystick, and make sure the top two of the lights are on.
Disengage M stop and control normally
Joystick Controls:
X - stand up/sit down
L stick - strafe
R stick - turn
(EigenBus is facing forward wrt the robot)
(Small commands go a long way!)
(O6 is very large and will take a while to complete a step once you tell it to)
Running Joystick script Manually:
Power On:
Plug LiGo battery and switch it on (There are two anderson connectors that need to be connected)
With M stop engaged, disengage E stop
Connecting to onboard computer:
TITAN wifi network will show up once the LiGo has been plugged in and powered on. Connect to TITAN from your computer
Password: biorobotics
(TERMINAL 1) From a terminal
ssh biorobotics@titanuc
(password is "biorobotics")
(Proper directories are sourced on startup for running joystick control)
(TERMINAL 1) Next run
roslaunch eigenbot_driver titan_driver.launch
(this launch the controller that allows the modules to be commanded)
Zeroing Joints:
With robot powered off or M stopped (it is easier to move the joints if there are no power to the modules), move all joints so that shins of robot are vertical and all waist (horizontal) joints are centered. (Note that you can turn off the modules by pressing the e stop without turning off the computer)
Make sure the modules are on and M stopped if you turned them off in the previous step
(TERMINAL 2) Open a new terminal and ssh into the robot computer (see "connecting to onboard computer")
(TERMINAL 2) from this terminal run
rostopic echo /titan/joint/fb
(this will display all module feedback)
(titan_driver must be launched for this comand to display module feedback)
(TERMINAL 3) Open a new terminal and ssh into the robot computer (see "connecting to onboard computer")
(TERMINAL 3) from this terminal navigate to titanCode
cd titanCode
(TERMINAL 3) from titanCode run
(this should set all of the module positions to zero)
(TERMINAL 2) Look at the previous terminal and confirm that all position values are reading zero
(some of the values will not be zero as they are the force values from the foot sensors. You can distinguish these as the corresponding index of the "name" array will be a number in the 60s)
(Mostly we are checking to make sure none of the joints are randomly reading large numbers)
If joint values look good after zeroing, you can disengage the M stop, otherwise, run ./zeroJoints again and check the values
(toggling the e stop may also help if joints are still acting up)
Running Joystick Control:
Once titan_drivers are launched and joints are zeroed, you are ready to run Joystick Control!
Turn on the joystick by pressing the big button in the middle
(the top left and top right lights should be on)
(pressing the center button will toggle control modes)
(TERMINAL 4) Open a new terminal and ssh into the robot computer (see "connecting to onboard computer")
(TERMINAL 4) Now launch the ros joystick node to allow for the joystick to communicate with the robot
rosrun joy joy_node
(you can check to see if the joystick is sending signal by running rostopic echo joy (use another terminal for this))
(TERMINAL 5) Open a new terminal and ssh into the robot computer (see "connecting to onboard computer")
(TERMINAL 5) from this terminal navigate to py_con
cd titanCode/src/py_con/
(TERMINAL 5) from py_con run
python3 ROS
(this will run the controller)
Joystick Controls:
X - stand up/sit down
L stick - strafe
R stick - turn
(EigenBus is facing forward wrt the robot)
(Small commands go a long way!)
(O6 is very large and will take a while to complete a step once you tell it to)
Powering Off:
(TERMINAL 5) Use control C while selecting the terminal running to stop the controller
From any terminal that is SSHed and has nothing running, run
sudo halt
(password "biorobotics")
Engage E stop to power off Modules
Turn off LiGo battery
Diagnosing Problems:
If modules turns red, power cycling the robot should fix this
Leg bending inward - If you see a leg bending inward under the center body, try to support the robot best you can and M stop. This position can easily cause the leg to snap