
Investigate e08bd642df06eb59404c8e46afbb04a4

Closed this issue · 2 comments

The task does not describe a valid simulation:

  Error: the model must have at least one ODE or DAE.

This an an error raised by OpenCOR. The CellML could be valid, but use a subset of CellML that OpenCOR doesn't support.

The top of the description of the model says

This model contains no ODEs and as such can not currently be solved by any of the available CellML tools. However the model is known to be valid CellML and the units are consistent. Also the CellML model appears to match the published equations.

Since the Physiome team is aware of this, I think we should simply skip these. The value of publishing a model that can't be simulated seems limited to me. If it can't be simulated, how can we even trust that it was encoded into CellML correctly?