
Annotate that generated SED-ML files were computationally-generated from CellML files

Closed this issue · 2 comments

See #10. I'm not sure if this was implemented. isDerivedFrom doesn't appear in a search of the code.

Might not have been pushed at the time

'funders': [],
"uri": "",
"label": "isDerivedFrom",
"value": {
"uri": f'{BIOSIMULATIONS_ROOT_URI_FORMAT.format(identifier)}/{cellml_file}',
"label": f'{cellml_file.split(".cellml")[0] if cellml_file.endswith(".cellml") else (cellml_file.split(".xml")[0] if cellml_file.endswith(".xml") else cellml_file)}',

This should be added to the predecessors key rather than the other key.

The generated RDF will be similar because the predecessors key is mapped to the same predicate (isDerivedFrom), and BioSimulators-utils will parse it the same (to the predecessors key). To make it easier to understand how the exported metadata will be interpreted, it would be helpful to move this to the predecessors key.