
A repository for the lessons and notebooks used for Binder tutorials

Primary LanguageShell

Prerequisites for topic


This topic will cover:

  • how to use shotgun metagenomic sequencing technologies to answer biological questions
  • the methodologies used to perform metagenomic studies on the taxonomy, function, evolution, and ecology of microorganisms
  • the intricacies of the specific tools and databases that can used for varying levels of specificity.

Released Lessons

Lesson 1: What is metagenomics?

Demo 1.1: Quality Control using FastQC and MultiQC

Lesson 2: Taxonomic Classification using k-mers

Demo 2.1: Taxonomic Classification and Adapter Trimming using k-mers

Demo 2.2: Adapter and quality trimming using trimmomatic

Lesson 3: Taxonomic Classification using MinHash sketches

Demo 3.1: Taxonomic Classification using sourmash and sendsketch, and quality trimming using bbduk

Lesson 4: Read mapping and read taxonomic classification

Demo 4.1: Mapping reads with bbtools

Demo 4.2: Taxonomic classification of reads

Lesson 5: Genome and Metagenome Assembly

  • [Presentation Slides]
  • Sequencing Statistics
  • Overlap-Layout-Consensus assembly
  • de Bruijn Graph assembly
  • Assembly software

Demo 5.1: Genome assembly

Planned Lessons

Lesson 6: Assembly Quality and Statistics

  • Binder
  • How do you determine the quality of an assembly?
  • Choosing an assembly quality metric
  • Demo using QUAST, etc.

Lesson 7: Assembly Visualization

  • What is an assembly graph useful for?
  • Demo using Bandage

Lesson 8: Binning

  • How does metagenomic binning work?
  • Choosing a metagenomic binner
  • Demo using metabat2, CONCOCT, etc.

Lesson 9: Evaluating bins

  • What are single-copy core genes?
  • Choosing a bin evaluation tool
  • Demo using CheckM, etc.

Lesson 10: Phylogenomics

  • What are single-copy core genes?
  • Basics of sequence alignment
  • Basics of phylogenetic tree construction
  • Demo using GToTree, GTDBtk, etc.

Lesson 11: Workflows -- Putting it all together

  • A review of existing workflows
  • Why you probably shouldn’t invent your own workflow
  • What to do when you inevitably decide to invent your own workflow anyway
  • Demo using SnakeMake, Nextflow, etc.

Lesson 12: Workflows: Online Portals

  • Anvi’o
  • MGnify
  • Galaxy
  • JGI
  • Cyverse
  • KBase
  • etc