Method | Citation | Links |
ESPA | Eshaghzadeh Torbati M., Minhas D. S., Tafti A. P., DeCarli C. S., Tudorascu D. L., and Hwang S. J., 2024, October. ESPA: An Unsupervised Harmonization Framework via Enhanced Structure Preserving Augmentation. In International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention. | Paper Poster |
Software requirements
ESPA framework
Input data for ESPA
Image preprocessing
Python and Pytorch.
ESPA, crafted as an unsupervised task-agnostic image-harmonization framework, adapts images to a scanner-middle-ground domain. In achieving this adaptation, we employed our harmonization technique, MISPEL, albeit with a significant modification. Instead of relying on matched data, we introduce a novel approach wherein we simultaneously generate and utilize simulated matched images during the training of MISPEL. This approach equips MISPEL with simulated data of substantial size, offering a solution to the model robustness challenge in harmonization, particularly concerning supervised harmonization methods. The simulated matched images are generated using our novel structure-preserving augmentation methods: (1) tissue-type contrast augmentation, and (2) GAN-based residual augmentation. Initially, each augmentation method is individually configured to adapt images of a source scanner to those of the target scanners. We refer to the data targeted for harmonization as multi-scanner data. This data contains images of M scanners. We consider another set of data with images of one arbitrary scanner and refer to it as source data. We refer to scanners of the source and multi-scanner data as the source scanner and target scanners, respectively.
Scanner effects can impact brain tissue contrast. To address this issue, we utilize a three-step augmentation approach aimed at adjusting tissue contrast from a source scanner to a target scanner while maintaining brain structure. This method builds upon previous work by paper initially developed for brain segmentation purposes. It is important to note that this augmentation technique adapts images from the source scanner to a single target scanner. Therefore, for each of the M target scanners, we should configure M distinct tissue-type contrast augmentation methods.
Scanner effects can be more intricate than tissue-type modifications and can vary across brain regions. Thus, we develop a GAN-based augmentation method to generate and sample scanner effects as images (residuals) added to the original images. By limiting scanner effects as additive components to images, we consider brain structure during augmentation. For this purpose, we introduce Residual StarGAN, which performs image-to-image translation between all pairs of our scanner domains: source and target scanners.
For the multi-scanner data, we used our in-house matched data and did not use its matched aspect. For the source data, we used iages of one Tim-Trio Siemens scanner in OASIS-3. However, we can not release this data publically. We provided some sample data in this repository for running the released code.
For the preprocessing step please read the 'preprocessing' paragraph in section 3 of our paper. The steps are: (1) Registration to a template, (2) N4 bias correction, (3) Skull stripping, and (4) Image scaling. For the first three steps, we used the instruction prepared in the RAVEL repositoty.
1. Applying GMM to images:
In this step, we apply GMM to images to extract their distributions of tissue types. We redo this step for images of the multi-scanner and source data and extract the distribution of parametric differences as explained in the paper. Here is an example of extracting and saving GMM for an image.
Input data:
ESPA_TC/ExtractingGMMs/Datset/FinalFiles/Input_images: Address of the images. ESPA_TC/ExtractingGMMs/Datset/FinalFiles/Image_List.xlsx: List of images.
Output data:
ESPA_TC/ExtractingGMMs/Datset/FinalFiles/Input_images_GMM: GMM objects extracted for images.
cd ESPA/ESPA_TC/ExtractingGMMs
2. Configuring tissue-type contrast augmentation:
We generated variations of augmented axial slices for train and validation data. We also generated augmented 3D scans for test data. We first elaborate on generating augmented axial slices. For this, there are four input arguments for input data: 1) dist_adr, 2) train_image_input_info, 3) validation_image_input_info, and 4) mask_adr. 1) dist_adr is the address to distributions of parametric differences between source and multi-scanner data. We provided these distributions for cross-validated multi-scanner data. 2) train_image_input_info is the address to the list of train images, 3) validation_image_input_info is the list of validation data, and 4) mask_adr is the adress to a brain mask. The input train and test images in addition to their GMM objects are in ESPA_TC/GeneratingAugmentedImages/Dataset/FinalFiles. Running the following command, the generated augmented images are saved in the output folder: ESPA_TC/GeneratingAugmentedImages/Dataset/Data_For_Loader_trainvalidation/saved_data/.
*** The distributions should be in named as scannerI.xlsx where 0<I<S-1 where S is the number of scanners.
cd ESPA/ESPA_TC/GeneratingAugmentedImages
python --mask_adr "Dataset/cropped_JHU_MNI_SS_T1_Brain_Mask.nii.gz"\
--dist_adr "./Dataset/Distributions/CV_0/" --train_image_input_info "./Dataset/Images_train.xlsx"\
--validation_image_input_info "./Dataset/Images_validation.xlsx" --folder_path\
For generating 3D augmented test images, we run the following command. This command has four input arguments: 1) distribution_excel_adr, 2) filename, 3) dir_in, and 4) mask_adr. 1) distribution_excel_adr is the address to distributions of parametric differences between source and multi-scanner data. 2) filename is the list of test images. 3) dir_in is the directory to input images and their GMMs. 4) mask_adr is the address to the brain mask. The genrated augmented scans are saved in output folder given as an argument dir_out in the command.
cd ESPA/ESPA_TC/GeneratingAugmentedImages
python --filename "./Dataset/Images_test.xlsx" --dir_in\
"./Dataset/FinalFiles" --dir_out "./Dataset/Data_For_Loader_test/saved_data"\
--mask_adr "./Dataset/cropped_JHU_MNI_SS_T1_Brain_Mask.nii.gz" --distribution_excel_adr\
3. Training ESPA using tissue-type contrast augmentation:
In this step, we use the generated augmented slices for training the ESPA_TC. The input train and validation images are in ESPA_TC/TrainingESPA_TC/Dataset/Data_For_Loader_trainvalidation/saved_data directory. These train and validation images are listed in training_images_one_epoch_nifti_0.xlsx and validation_images_one_epoch_nifti_0.xlsx files, respectively. after running the following command, the trained ESPA_TC models are saved in ESPA_TC/TrainingESPA_TC/save output folder.
python --lambda1 1.0 --lambda2 120.0 --lambda3 1.0 --lambda4 1.0\
--no_latent_embeddings 5 --epochs_step1 220 --epochs_step2 1200 --learning_rate_step1 0.0001\
--learning_rate_step2 0.0001 --num_workers 16 --data_frequency_step2 3 --data_frequency_step2 3\
--Max_index_of_train_datasets 30 --save_freq_step1 100 --save_freq_step2 100
1. Configuring GAN-based residual augmentation:
There are three input arguments for input data: 1) external_scanner_image_adrs, 2) target_scanner_image_adrs, 3) CVfolds_adrs. 1) external_scanner_image_adrs is the address for images of the source scanner (source data). 2) target_scanner_image_adrs is the address to the directory of images for the source scanners (multi-scanner data). 3) CVfolds_adrs is the address to the list of cross-validated images, if we used cross-validation for the multi-scanner data. Running the following command, a new output folder is created as "save" containing the trained residual-StarGAN models. The trained generator is then used for generating augmented images. The augmented images are then used for training ESPA_Res.
python --n_epochs 200 --CV_no 2 --batch_size 64 --lr_Gen 0.0002\
--lr_Dsc 0.0002 --nz 192 --target_scanner_image_adrs\
--external_scanner_image_adrs "./Dataset/ResGAN_Configuration/ExternalScanner" --CVfolds_adrs\
"./Dataset/ResGAN_Configuration/CV_Folds" --b1 0.5 --b2 0.999 --checkpoint_interval 20
2. Training ESPA using GAN-based residual augmentation:
There are three input arguments for input data: 1) data_dir, 2) train_excel_adr, and 3) aug_data_folder. 1) data_dir is the directory for the data used in this step. 2) train_excel_adr is the directory to the list of augmented images (the data generated in Configuring GAN-based residual augmentation). 3) aug_data_folder is the directory for the augmented images. Running the following command, a new output folder is created as "save" containing the trained ESPA_Res model. This model is then used for harmonizing unseen images of target scanners directly.
python --lambda1 1.0 --lambda2 200.0 --lambda3 1.0 --lambda4 1.0\
--no_latent_embeddings 6 --epochs_step1 100 --epochs_step2 400 --learning_rate_step1 0.0001\
--learning_rate_step2 0.00001 --num_workers 0 --data_frequency_step2 5 --data_frequency_step2 14\
--save_freq_step1 50 --save_freq_step2 50 --c_dim 5 --res_blocks 9 --nz 192 --data_dir\
"./Dataset/ESPA_Res_Training/ErternalScannerTrainingMISPEL" --train_excel_adr\
--aug_data_folder "Augmented_train_data"