A simple script to convert messages received through mqtt to SQL inserts for TimescaleDB (PostgreSQL).
It is designed for a particular use case. I have a set of sensors around my home and elsewhere and they post data to MQTT broker. I want to collect the data, put it into time series database and have an overview in Grafana.
The measurements are in format location/room/sensor/measurement
. The payload is a float. These are converted into insert statements for each event and inserted directly into PostgreSQL instance, which has TimescaleDB plugin enabled.
I deploy this script using Ansible and run inside a docker container. The image is built first and run like this:
name: mqtt2timescaledb
image: mqtt2timescaledb:latest
state: started
restart_policy: "unless-stopped"
- "./mqtt2timescaledb"
- "-mq {{ broker_url }}"
- "-u admin"
- "-p admin"
- "-db {{ database_url }}"
- name: "{{ my_network }}"
Sometimes you want to debug messages. In this case add -vvv
flag and you will see all messages in stdout.