
Screencast your keys in Neovim

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Screenkey is a Neovim plugin that displays the keys you are typing in a floating window, just like screenkey does. It is useful for screencasts, presentations, and live coding sessions.

📺 Showcase


⚡️ Requirements

  • Neovim nightly (0.10.0+, not older than April 1st, since Screenkey requires #28098)
  • a Nerd Font (optional, but recommended)

📋 Installation


    cmd = "Screenkey",
    version = "*",
    config = true,


    config = function()


:Rocks install screenkey.nvim

Default settings:
    -- see :h nvim_open_win
    win_opts = {
        relative = "editor",
        anchor = "SE",
        width = 40,
        height = 3,
        border = "single",
        row = vim.o.lines - vim.o.cmdheight - 1,
        col = vim.o.columns - 1,
        -- The default `row` and `col` will put the window on the bottom left.
        -- If you want to move it to the top left, use `row = 1`.
    -- compress input when repeated <compress_after> times
    compress_after = 3,
    -- clear the input after <clear_after> seconds of inactivity
    clear_after = 3,
    -- temporarily disable screenkey (for example when inside of the terminal)
    disable = {
        filetypes = {}, -- for example: "toggleterm"
        -- :h 'buftype'
        buftypes = {}, -- for example: "terminal"

❓ How to use

  • :Screenkey to toggle the screenkey
  • Don't worry about leaking your passwords when using sudo while streaming/recording because you forgot to turn your display-key application, Screenkey will only show pieces of information about your input in Neovim.


If you're using a terminal inside of the Neovim, and you want screenkey to automatically stop displaying your keys when you're inside of the terminal, see disable option in the plugin configuration.

👀 Similar projects and some differences

  • keys.nvim:
    • As of the last update of this README, keys.nvim cannot process the literal keys you type - for example if you have <c-d> mapped to <c-d>zz, when you press <c-d> keys.nvim will show ^d z z instead of ^d.
    • Screenkey has compress_after option that enables it to compress your input - for example jjjjjj will be displayed as j..x6, which is usually way easier to read and will save up a lot of space.