
Selenium play.typeracer bot

Primary LanguagePython


This selenium automation project will challenge human typing speed.. Just for fun .😥



First you need some requirements to fill up on you system.


First time run dependency install

pip install -r requirments.txt

Some example of use case

Place you name on all typeracer mode auto. It is require logged account browser.

python main.py

Login and run on all mode

python main.py -u <username> -p <password>

Run with specific mode only

python main.py --justOne https://play.typeracer.com/?universe=accuracy

Run with specific mode and infinity loop

python main.py --justOne https://play.typeracer.com/?universe=accuracy -l

Run with specific speed rate

python main.py --speed 0.2

Create fake/random accounts. It is required a human for solving recapture

python main.py --createAccounts 10


usage: main.py [-h] [--justOne JUSTONE] [--speed SPEED] [--createAccounts CREATEACCOUNTS] [-l] [-u U] [-p P]

This Typeracer program for challenge human typing speed. Just for fun.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --justOne JUSTONE     Target just one mode
  --speed SPEED         Set your speed
  --createAccounts CREATEACCOUNTS
                        Create multiple accounts. It is required human for recapture solving.
  -l                    Set as infinity loop
  -u U                  Set your username
  -p P                  Set your password

If you have any issue on this program. Do not hesitate to create issue on this repository. Thank you.