Original plugin developed by DarkunderdoG (http://tshock.co/xf/index.php?threads/1-15-afk-warp-kick-plugin.2594/)
When a player is idle/AFK for a defined time, the server will warp the player to the "afk" warp or when the player types /afk
- warps the user to afk/afktime
- provides the player details about their afk status/return
- warps the player back to their original position (Talking or leaving the afk region also does this)/afkwarptime <seconds>
Temporarily changes the duration of when a player is warped to afk/afkkicktime <seconds>
- Temporarily changes the duration of when a player is kicked from being afk/afkreload
- reloads the AFK config file
- Gives players access to /afk, /afktime, and /returnafk.cfg
- Gives users access to /afkwarptime, /afkkicktime, and /afkreloadafk.nokick
- Prevents users from being kicked or receiving kick messages
"afkwarp": true, <---Enable/Disable warp players to afk
"afkkick": false, <---Enable/Disable kick players in afk
"afkwarptime": 300, <---Duration in seconds before being warped to afk
"afkkicktime": 700, <---Duration in seconds before being kicked
"afkspam": 20, <--Delay in seconds before the player can use /afk again
"awayMessage": "{player} is away.", <--Broadcasted message when player is afk
"returnMessage": "{player} is no longer afk." <--Broadcasted message when player returns
For AFK Warp:
Create a region called "afk".
Create a warp called "afk" within the afk region.
To hide the warp from the warp list:
/warp hide afk true
Now users can use /afk
For AFK Kick:
No setup required other than to have it enabled. It will warn players 3 times before kicking them. (at 70%, 80%, and 90% of the afkkicktime)
Give user groups afk.nokick
permission to prevent them from being kicked.