
Magento Commerce Puppet module

Primary LanguagePuppet

Magento module for Puppet

magento define is mandatory for magento::app, magento::errors.

  magento { dietyuk:
    dir          => '/home/magento/sites/dietyuk',
    user         => magento,


Depends on git package:

package { git: ensure => present }
include magento::wiz

Git clones wiz from git://github.com/bippo/wiz.git
Puts it in /usr/share/wiz
And creates a symlink in /usr/bin/wiz

Wiz is required by magento to clear cache.


Configures the app/etc/local.xml file.

  magento::app { dietyuk:
    dir          => '/home/magento/sites/dietyuk',
    install_date => 'Wed, 09 Jun 2010 16:53:10 +0000',
    crypt_key    => '69d754585*****',
    db_host      => 'localhost',
    db_user      => 'dietyuk',
    db_password  => '****',
    db_name      => 'dietyuk_magento',
    session_save => 'db',


Configures the errors/local.xml file.

magento::errors { 'dietyuk':
   dir   => '/home/magento/sites/dietyuk',
   email => 'commerce-sysadmin+dietyuk@bippo.co.id',


magento::deploy { 'berbatik_id':
  marker_file => 'app/locale/id_ID',
  git_url     => 'git://github.com/bippo/magento-id.git',
  git_name    => 'magento-id',
  magento_dir => '/home/magento/sites/berbatik',
  require     => Magento['berbatik'],


Original code from: https://github.com/cmuench/Magento-Vagrant-Puppet

Magento nginx site configuration from: http://www.magentocommerce.com/wiki/1_-installation_and_configuration/configuring_nginx_formagento