
Documentation, images, how to install etc. (not always the most relevant content)

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Architecture overview

Client-server, REST; with SPA AngularJS



They can run independently

Common all microservices technologies



All run on different port, by default, so you can run on local machine for development. All have docker packages on docker hub

Maven shared modules

Modules used in different microservices; NOTE currently, they must use the same version

infrastructure-java module

  • bpmn
  • common; Some spring services and other classes which is used across projects/modules
  • microservice-i18n
  • microservice; Microservice common
  • persistence; database, object audit: add createdInfo (created by user and date) to objects. Common aspects, processing custom fields
  • base; This is parent module in project with dependency versions etc
  • storage; Storage support such as Amazon S3, Google Drive, Dropbox, Webdav


  • auth
  • authmicroservicecommunication
  • email-api
  • entity-core
  • entity; Shared/common used object entities used across all projects. Http responses, DTO(Data Transfer Objects) and DAO


StartApplication.java - start class for Spring Boot

Running params


  • --spring.cloud.consul.host= replace with address of consul
  • spring.profiles.active=development or spring.profiles.active=production for configuration
  • AWS S3 (file storage)
Option example mandatory description
biqa.internal.exception.strategy PRINT_STACKTRACE no values PRINT_STACKTRACE or DO_NOT_PRINT described in ThrowExceptionHelper.class. Print stack trace on user failed responses because of invalid request data. DO_NOT_PRINT by default.
biqa.REQUIRE_ALL TRUE no some modules such as google drive, dropbox and some other are optional and work when you set up properties for them(such as api keys etc), so you can run system without them. But if you want to start with all modules, cou can force it
biqa.urls.http.cloud https://cloud.biqasoft.com yes
biqa.urls.http.support https://support.biqasoft.com yes
biqa.urls.email.support support@biqasoft.com yes
biqa.notification.email.sender.email info@biqasoft.com yes
biqa.notification.header.system biqasoft.com yes

You must manually specify profile to run every microservice or program startup will fail

  • --spring.profiles.active=test - Used for tests.
  • --spring.profiles.active=development - local development
  • --spring.profiles.active=production - production


Common arguments for running

  • --spring.output.ansi.enabled=ALWAYS Spring Boot: to enable color logging
  • -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=9999 -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=9999 -Djava.net.useSystemProxies=true : just common argument to use local proxy for JVM (port 9999)

Server metrics

You can get metrics provided by spring boot actuator. see http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/production-ready-endpoints.html NOTE Every microservice with REST have /health endpoint. This endpoint have sensitive information and user should not have access to it(firewall or smth else should do it). Spring actuator for main API url is /internal


  • com.biqasoft.microservice.i18n package
  • ThrowExceptionHelper.throwExceptionInvalidRequestLocalized("analytics.no_such_counter");


  • All microservices and gateway have Swagger http://localhost:8080/v2/api-docs

Auth API

  • you can auth with basic auth (username/token and password) as http header
  • send auth as param http://api-server/v1/myaccount?token=T0FVVEgyX3JuaWspYmcsNitiWy0xPHoqY3UwOnc8Nih3NzAwNmcsdD44PyElW10t where token is Base64.encode(username:password)
  • In Java Spring Security GatewayAuthenticationProvider.java auth provider which dispose to microservice authenticator

Java 9

  • to fix spring add -addmods java.xml.bind as VM options.
  • to fix aspectj aop see com.biqasoft.common.hacks.Java9Fix (org.aspectj.util.LangUtil line ~59 works incorrectly with jdk9 eap build)
  • to run tests env JAVA_HOME="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-9" JRE_HOME="C:\Program Files\Java\jre-9" mvn package -Pjdk9 - and see maven profile jdk9



You should replace folders, network interfaces to your


  1. run consul docker run -d --net=host --name=consul -e 'CONSUL_LOCAL_CONFIG={"skip_leave_on_interrupt": true}' -e -client= -e 'CONSUL_BIND_INTERFACE=ens33' consul agent -server -ui -bootstrap
  2. for development run docker gliderlabs/registrator for consul
docker run -d \
    --name=registrator \
    --net=host \
    --volume=/var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock \
    gliderlabs/registrator:latest \
    -ip="" consul://localhost:8500
  1. Run users microservice
# users
docker run --name=db-users -d -p 27018:27017 -v /home/microservices/users/mongodb/data:/data/db -P -e "SERVICE_NAME=db-users" biqasoft/mongodb:3.4.1
db.createUser({user: "v2jGUCHOtqfzahgDH6p27pzmUq8MtyqKCnXkQyiz", pwd: "@FU%1QOe>sz5Y,gmy9gvc?sYBg%Bf4xhRk^aSa", roles: [ { role: "root", db: "admin" } ] } )
  1. Run main tenant database storage
docker run --name=db-tenant-1 -d -p 27019:27017 -v /home/microservices/tenant-1/mongodb/data:/data/db -P -e "SERVICE_NAME=db-tenant-1" biqasoft/mongodb:3.4.1
db.createUser({user: "3rTbIgJ2btIy8xWxAiFiSW8394Om11mSkZdHsdKr", pwd: "nusZHFul8bt0mKZKmLsHXjvmcQ88Ra4mhlURxiEM", roles: [ { role: "root", db: "admin" } ] } )


  • most of microservices require mongodb; insted of running your own mongodb instances, you can use mongodb atlas
  • all microservices require connection to consul


Run S3-compatible API server

docker run -d -p 9000:9000 --name minio \
-v /home/nbakaev/minio/export/minio1:/export \
-v /home/nbakaev/minio/config/minio1:/root/.minio \
minio/minio /export

further for development example run docker start consul registrator db-tenant-1 db-users

Build own

Current build steps for java-infrastructure and java-binding is compilcated and will be refactored. Currently to build all modules, you should build in following order

Compiling & running steps

  • In project folder with pom.xml file run mvn package. You will have *.jar in ./target folder.
  • run development environment with java -jar api.biqasoft.com.jar --spring.profiles.active=development --spring.cloud.consul.host=
  • or run production environment with java -jar api.biqasoft.com.jar --spring.profiles.active=production --spring.cloud.consul.host=some_local_consul_agent.server

Maven usage

All poms have one parent with common libs versions



Version semantic $YEAR$.$MONTH$.$MINOR_VERSION$. For example if current month is 7 and year is 2016, version can be 2016.7.9

Use versions:set from the versions-maven plugin:

Change version of module mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=5.0.1-RELEASE set version for root (parent) module It will adjust all pom versions, parent versions and dependency versions in a multi-module project.

If you made a mistake, do mvn versions:revert afterwards, or mvn versions:commit To install parent(root) module mvn install -N / mvn deploy -N You can deploy to artifactory (binary repo) using mvn deploy in every project


For libs, such as:

semver is used

Maven Standard Directory Layout

Path Description
src/main/java Application/Library sources
src/main/resources Application/Library resources
src/main/filters Resource filter files
src/main/config Configuration files
src/main/scripts Application/Library scripts
src/main/webapp Web application sources
src/test/java Test sources
src/test/resources Test resources
src/test/filters Test resource filter files
src/it Integration Tests (primarily for plugins)
src/assembly Assembly descriptors
src/site Site
LICENSE.txt Project's license
NOTICE.txt Notices and attributions
README.txt Project's readme