
This is a simple JS function to write Assamese with your English keyboard.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a simple JS function to write Assamese with your English keyboard. To write Assamese follow the following instructions

ka-ক a-অ, aa-আ, i-ই , ii-ঈ , u-উ , uu-ঊ , wr-ঋ , e-এ , oi-ঐ , o-ও , ou-ঔ , ka-ক , kha-খ , ga-গ , gha-ঘ , nga-ঙ , cha-চ , so-ছ , jo-জ , jho-ঝ , nya-ঞ , to-ট , tho-ঠ , do-ড , dho-ঢ , no-ণ , ta-ত , tha-থ , da-দ , dha-ধ , na-ন , po-প , fo-ফ , bo-ব , vo-ভ , mo-ম , zo-য , ro-ৰ , lo-ল , wba-ৱ , xha-শ , xa-ষ , sa-স , ho-হ , khy-ক্ষ , dr-ড় , dhr-ঢ় , yo-য় , A-া , I-ি , II-ী , U-ু , UU-ূ , WR-ৃ , E-ে , OI-ৈ , O-ো , OW-ৌ, ht-ৎ, nu-ং, bkh-ঃ, cn-'ঁ'