A 3D orrery built on Processing 3 using the PeasyCam library. Done without physical calculations, so will not be very accurate.
- Install Processing.
- Launch Processing and navigate to
Sketch > Import Library > Add Library
. - Scroll down until you get to Peasycam.
- Click install.
- Close the window to return to processing.
- Open any of the
files. - In Processing, there should be an arrow in a circle like this: (>).
- Click it to launch the project.
Left-click: rotate around object Right-click / mouse wheel / up + down keys: zoom
0: focus on Sun 1: focus on Mercury 2: focus on Venus 3: focus on Earth 4: focus on Moon 5: focus on Mars 6: focus on Jupiter
'O': turn orbit trails on / off 'L': turn lables on / off 'Q': decrease time speed 'E': increase time speed (space key): pause / unpause the simulation
This is only recommended if you want to customise the simulation a little bit.
It doesn't require any coding skills.
Variables are in Planets_v11_3.pde
The user-set variables are just below the first multiline comment. They are fairly well documented. Feel free to create a pull request if you want to add one, or edit the comments. (Tutorial WIP... more to come!)