
FelxiTable is a professional jQuery plugin that convert JSON array list into HTML table

Primary LanguageJavaScript

npm version



FlexiTable is a jQuery plugin that converts JSON array containing nested JSON object into HTML table



  • Accepts Json data
  • Accepts url to fetch json data
  • Supports nested object up to 1 level
  • Refeshs data and structure in custom priods
  • Custom header titles
  • Supports both vertical and horizontal orientation of records
  • Supports CSS classes
  • Supports LTR and RTL directions
  • supports arrays as a multi-values cell

How to use

This plugin works with jquery-2.2.4 and later versions (Earlier versions are not tested). Import the plugin as following code :

<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.4.min.js" integrity="sha256-BbhdlvQf/xTY9gja0Dq3HiwQF8LaCRTXxZKRutelT44=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="jquery.flexitable.js" ></script>

Then the plugin function can be called on any container element such as Div. Function parameters are :

  data : Json array (Json Array) , or url to retrieve json array (String) *Required
  tableCssClass : Css classes to be set for table (String)
  tableId : id attribute of the table tag (Strig)
  rtl : Indicates right to left direction. (Boolean, Default : false)
  verticalHeaders : changes the orientation of the headers to vertical (Boolean, Default : false)
  arraySeparator : Indicates the character(s) between array items in cells (Strig, Default : ', ')
  refreshPriod : Time interval to re-fetch data from source. it is in millisecond. (Integer, Default : it is disabled by default. Only applicable for calling the function on a container with selector )
  columnsTitle : a dictionary to set optional title for json path

Calling the function on a container with jquery selector :

<div id="mydiv"></div>

var data = [
    "Id" : 1,
    "Name" : "Alex Xia",
    "Age" : 27,
    "Grades" : {
        "Physics" : 12,
        "Mathematics" : 19,
        "Computer Lab" : 20
    "Year" : 2022
    "Id" : 2,
    "Name" : "Saba Tailorson",
    "Age" : 29,
    "Grades" : {
        "Physics" : 10,
        "Mathematics" : 20,
        "Computer Lab" : 18
    "Year" : 2022,
    "Absents" : ['10th Mar','21st Jan','4th Feb']

    data : data,
    tableCssClass : 'mytable',
    tableId : 'studentsTable',
    columnsTitle : {'Id' : 'Student ID', 'Grades.Mathematics' : 'Math'}

Output for sampleData :


Calling the stand alon function to get the table DOM object :

<div id="mydiv"></div>

var data = [
    "Id" : 1,
    "Name" : "Alex Xia",
    "Age" : 27,
    "Grades" : {
        "Physics" : 12,
        "Mathematics" : 19,
        "Computer Lab" : 20
    "Year" : 2022
    "Id" : 2,
    "Name" : "Saba Tailorson",
    "Age" : 29,
    "Grades" : {
        "Physics" : 10,
        "Mathematics" : 20,
        "Computer Lab" : 18
    "Year" : 2022,
    "Absents" : ['10th Mar','21st Jan','4th Feb']

var dataTable  ;
    data : data,
    tableCssClass : 'mytable',
    tableId : 'studentsTable'
}).then((data) => { dataTable = data;});


For detailed plugin explanation go to FlexiTable- A jQuery Plugin Converting Dynamic JSON with Nested Objects To HTML Table

To Do List

  • ⬜️ CSS themes
  • ⬜️ Unlimited nested objects
  • ✅ Customized Titles (v1.1.0)
  • ⬜️ Aggregation function (Sum, Count, Avg) in footer