
A Real World Example for Open API Restful Spring boot Application + Swagger + MySQL + Docker

Primary LanguageJava

NoteBook Manager

Spring boot Rest Api+swagger+MySQL+Docker tutorial

NoteBook Manager is a sample tiny application that performs CRUD jobs on Notebook Entity via Restful Webservices.

It exposes 5 endpoint as following list :

  • GET /api/notebooks (get a list of notebook)
  • POST /api/notebooks (create a notebook)
  • GET /api/notebooks/1 (get one notebook from the list)
  • PATCH /api/notebooks/1 (update the price of a single notebook)
  • DELETE /api/notebooks/1 (delete a single notebook)

How to setup

It is a docker based application. Running below command in project's directory builds 2 running containers, NotebookService and Mysql containers with initial records:

docker-compose up

How to use

This application is Restful and it follows OpenAPI specification in API documentation. Thanks to SwaggerUI, you can see endpoints documentation in a graphical user interface and try their functionality and see the response. After running the containers, you can access the application links as :


Tests are written with H2 in-memory database with initial records.


This repository belongs to Spring boot Rest Api+swagger+MySQL+Docker tutorial