Imdb database Service is a sample application that performs operations via Restful Webservices.

It exposes 5 endpoints as following list as follows :

imdb Service :

  • GET localhost:8090/api/queries/genresBestSellingMovies (Gets a genre name as a string and returns best-selling movie title on each year for that genre)
  • GET localhost:8090/api/queries/moviesWithOneAlivePersonAsWriterAndDirector (returns list of movies in which both writer and director are same person and alive)
  • GET localhost:8090/api/queries/commonMoviesOfTwoActors (Gets two persons unique id and returns movies that both of them played in)
  • POST localhost:8090/api/db/import (it's smart importer endpoint. You can upload each dataset file, it recognise it, and imports it.)
  • GET localhost:8090/actuator/metrics/http.server.requests?tag=uri:endpoint_address {example : api/db/import} (endpoint metrics such as request count)

How to setup the application

It is a docker based application. Running below command in project's directory builds single running container:

docker-compose up

Note : It may take time, because it needs to download all dependencies of the project.

How to use

This application follows OpenAPI specification in API documentation. Thanks to SwaggerUI, you can see endpoints documentation in a graphical user interface and try their functionality and see the response. After running the containers, you can access the application links as :

To Test the endpoints please go to http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html. It help you to read endpoints documentation and give you an UI to try them out.

You can find miniDataset of imdb in project root directory