
Crawling data from [DB-Engines](https://db-engines.com/en/ranking ), and auto update new changes into my manually labeled datasets as much as possible.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Crawling data from DB-Engines, and auto update new changes into my manually labeled datasets as much as possible.

1. Crawling ranking table

Crawling the DBMS ranking data from DB-Engines with the beautifulsoup package. save as ranking_crawling_202211_raw.csv

2. Crawling DBMS information

Crawling the DBMS information from the db-engines DBMS_insitelink, which has crawled by step "Crawling ranking table".

3. join ranking_table and dbms_info on 'DBMS'

Join ranking_table and dbms_info on 'DBMS' of ranking_table and 'Name' of dbms_info. Set the key name alias to 'DBMS' after joined. Default set use_cols_ranking_table = None to use all fields of ranking_table, and set use_cols_dbms_infos = ["Developer", "Name", "Description", "Initial release", "Current release", "License", "Cloud-based only"] to use part of dbms_info.

4. recalc ranking_table_dbms_info

The table joined by ranking_table and dbms_info is marked as ranking_table_dbms_info. Some fields should be re-calculated as other data formats. Default set recalc_cols = ["Initial release", "Current release", "License", "Cloud-based only"] and a correspond function must be implemented in class RecalcFuncPool() for each re-calculate filed.

5. reuse existing tagging info

Reuse existing tagging information manually labeled DB_EngRank_tophalf_githubprj_summary.csv. Keep the manually labeled items of each record, update the new scores and new ranks, or insert new records. Results will be saved as ranking_crawling_202211_automerged.csv, and with a by-product df_category_labels_updated.csv point out the mapping relations between the values of 'category_label' and 'Multi_model_info'.

Introduce to the crawling task

Target: 基于github_log的数据库开源软件生态调查