
A case for networkx.write_gexf function with a converter between the xml format and json format of gexf files.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A case for networkx.write_gexf function with a converter between the xml format and json format of gexf files.

What is GEXF

GEXF (Graph Exchange XML Format) is a language for describing complex networks structures, their associated data and dynamics. Started in 2007 together with the Gephi project by different actors, deeply involved in graph exchange issues, the gexf specifications are mature enough to claim being both extensible and open, and suitable for real specific applications. [See details about gexf: http://gexf.net/index.html]

Notes: It has been supported by networkx package. Those are file formats supported by networkx (with function names linke read_xxx or write_xxx) so far :

  • read_xxx and write_xxx: [adjlist, edgelist, gexf, gml, gpickle, graph6, multiline_adjlist, pajek, shp, sparse6, weighted_edgelist]

  • only_read_xxx: [graphm, leda]

  • only write_xxx: [graphml_lxml, graphml_xml]


nx_savegexf_example.py creates a case of networkx graph, which is saved as gexf.

xml_json_transformer.py implements a function to convert formats between the xml and json for gexf files.

All of gexf files and the derived files is stored in the ./data/ directory.