Notepad Application in Java

This is a simple notepad application implemented in Java, specifically using Java Swing for GUI.


The application has several features including:

  1. New File: Cleans up the active editing area for a fresh start.
  2. Open File: Opens a file manager to choose an existing file to edit in the notepad.
  3. Save File: Allows to save the current file you're working on.
  4. Print: Prints the current document.
  5. Exit: Closes the notepad application.
  6. Cut: Cuts the selected text.
  7. Copy: Copies the selected text.
  8. Paste: Pastes the copied/cut text at the cursor.
  9. Select All: Selects all of the text in the current document.
  10. About: Shows a dialog box with information about the application.


  • Java SDK

Running the Application

To run the application, execute the following commands in a terminal:

javac java Notepad


This application is a basic text editor implementation similar to Notepad. The error handling is minimal and may not behave correctly with certain edge cases. Please ensure Java is properly installed in your system before running the application.

Enhancement Opportunities

The following features can be added or improved for future enhancements:

  1. Undo, Redo, Find, and Replace functionalities.
  2. Text-Formatting features such as Bold, Italic, Underline, and Text Color.
  3. Line number or status bar.
  4. Improved error handling.
  5. Features to change the background color of the text area or theme features.


This application is open-source and is intended for educational purposes. Feel free to use and modify as desired.