
This is a Cookiecutter template for generating Python Projects

Primary LanguagePython


This is my personal Cookiecutter template for my Python projects.


  • Virtual Environment Manager: pipenv
  • Coding Style
    • Import sorter: isort
    • Auto-formatter: black
    • Linter: flake8
    • Static Typing: mypy
  • Test: pytest
  • Version Manager
    • Conventional commits: commitizen
    • Git commit hooks: pre-commit
  • Tool Organizer: invoke

Getting Started

For editing this project.


  • Python (python_ver == system)
  • pipenv
  • pipx (recommended)


git clone https://github.com/
pipenv install


To create a Python project using this template.

cookiecutter gh:birdx0810/pycc-template

project_name: PyCC Template
project_slug: pycc-template
project_description: This is my personal Cookiecutter template for my Python projects.
author_name: Daniel Tan
author_email: birdx0810@gmail.com
git_id: birdx0810
git_server: https://github.com
git_origin: https://github.com/birdx0810/pycc-template
python_ver: 3.10.4


To enable pre-commit on repositories, run the commands below before creating project to automatically run pre-commit install. Add the --allow-missing-config flag to skip running pre-commit install if .pre-commit-config.yaml is not found.

git config --global init.templateDir ~/.git-template
pre-commit init-templatedir ~/.git-template [--allow-missing-config]

Reference: pre-commit


Daniel Tan birdx0810@gmail.com