CodeFlix :

Langage used :

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • PHP

Steps :

  1. Get organized. Discuss, define tasks, choose a git master, a schedule, deadlines ...
  2. Use Trello, google agenda ... to help you.
  3. Define your work methodology.
  4. Study the request (What & Why ?)
  5. Identify technical challenges (How ?)
  6. Make models, diagrams of the database. Do all the research beforehand. Do not start coding before your project is studied from a to z.
  7. Give briefings / debriefings, put a lot on communication, this is the key.
  8. Comment out all of your code. Without comments it will be very difficult for you to work together.
  9. Don't just do what you can, get out of your comfort zone.
  10. Each member of the team must work on the whole project.

Evaluation criterias

Criteria Indicator Yes/No
1. Is complete The student has realized all must-have features.
There is a published GitHub page available.
The code is well indented and commented
The readme is clean and complete
At least one Nice-to-have features is ok
2. Is Correct The HTML and CSS pass the W3C Validation tool.
The lighthouse test scores 90 at least on Performance, Best Practices, Accessibility and SEO.
The code is well indented and commented

Sources :

The team :

Preview :

Regarder pour la schématisation de la bdd.