
Numerical Analysis for Machine Learning

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Numerical Analysis for Machine Learning - Politecnico di Milano

This repository contains my solutions to the labs and resources for the Numerical Analysis for Machine Learning class at Politecnico di Milano.


The repository is organized into folders for each lab session (lab-xx). Inside each lab folder, you will find:

  • Solutions and code for the respective lab session.
  • Necessary files to run the code.

Lab Structure

  • lab-01, lab-02, ..., lab-10: Folders containing my solutions and code for each respective lab session.


The repository also contains my solutions for the provided exams. They are inside the (exams) folder, with the exam itself accompanied with the jupyter notebook solutions and/or images when adequate.

Additional Resources

  • Lecture Notes: The notes I took during lectures.

  • Learning from Data Book: The PDF for the "Learning from Data" book is available in this repository.

  • Learning from Data Exercises Solutions: Additionally, there's a submodule linked to a repository containing solutions to exercises from the "Learning from Data" book.

Getting Started

To explore the labs or resources:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine using:

    git clone https://github.com/biromiro/polimi-naml.git
  2. Navigate to the specific lab folder or resource you want to explore.

  3. Access the relevant files and code for the lab or resources.


This repository serves as a collection of my work and resources for the Numerical Analysis for Machine Learning class at Politecnico di Milano.



The solutions provided in this repository are intended as a reference and for educational purposes. It's advised not to copy or submit them directly as your own work